Mygrafico Branding Intro - Call to Action

Mygrafico Branding Intro - Call to Action
Now that we have finished the MotionR whiteboard animation for the Mygrafico branding intro, our next task is to add another animation to the last two seconds of the Timeline. This animation will be a "Subscribe" call to action for a YouTube channel trailer.

If you are just joining the series, this is the storyboard for the project. As you can see, the last scene, which is one second in duration, is the call to action. The main characters for this scene are the purple cat, the company tagline and the call to action. All three are graphics already imported into the project via a layered Photoshop file.

The simple animation will use the Fade In transition and a couple of Keyframes. First we will set the company tagline to fade in over one second. Also over this one second, the purple cat and the call to action will move onto the screen from the bottom. At that point we have the complete company logo/name that was created with the whiteboard animation and the call to action all on the screen together for the last second of the Timeline.

Let's get started. At this point, the Call group spans from the 08:02 to the end of the Timeline. But we don't want the animation to begin until after the Hand graphic disappears at the 08:07 mark. So let's adjust the Call group's track on the Timeline.

  1. Drag the left edge of the Call group track to the 08:10 mark on the Timeline.

    We also don't want the graphics to just pop up on the screen. So we need to add the animation to reduce the opacity of the tagline (Text2) and then fade it back on to the screen. We also need an animation to move the Cat and Subscribe Now (Text3) graphics to rise up on to the screen from the bottom.

  2. With the Playhead at the 08:10 mark, drag the Cat and Text3 graphic layers below the screen.

  3. Keep the Playhead at 08:10 and select the Text2 graphic layer. In the Inspector - Properties - Blending section, reduct the Opacity slider to zero and add a Keyframe.

  4. Move the Playhead to 09:10 and move the Opacity slider back to 100. You should have a new Keyframe on the Timeline.

  5. Move the Playhead back to 08:10 and select the Cat graphic. In the Inspector, add a Keyframe to the right of the Position controls. Select the Text3 graphic and do the same.

  6. Move the Playhead to the 09:10 mark and select the Cat and Text3 graphics. Drag both upward on to the screen. Verify that you have a new Keyframe.

Test your animation. If all is right, save the project as a "Call to Action Subscribe Trailer" in the .motn format.

Now we are ready to export the project as a .mov file and compress that file for uploading to YouTube.

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Content copyright © 2023 by Diane Cipollo. All rights reserved.
This content was written by Diane Cipollo. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Diane Cipollo for details.