Bracelet cluny beaded - Dagmar Pezzuto

Bracelet cluny beaded - Dagmar Pezzuto
Beaded Bracelet Hanging Cluny
By Dagmar Pezzuto ? 2018

bracelet with beads and hanging cluny technique by Dagmar Pezzuto 2018

DS = double stitch
R = ring
CH = chain
cl = cluny
hcl = hanging cluny
+ = join
- = picot
-- = long picot
clr = close ring
RW= reverse work
CTM = continuous thread method

1 shuttle, 1 sewing needle
Small beads and a slightly larger bead

diagram for bracelet with beads and hanging cluny technique by Dagmar Pezzuto 2018

This pattern is done in a single round. Start with CTM
R1 = 7DS ? 7DS. Clr RW
CH1 = 6DS ? 6DS +(join to R1 adding 3 smaller beads) 5DS -- (long picot) 1DS -- (long picot) 4DS + (join to base R1) RW
CH2 = 8DS
Hcl = 16 passes
CH3 = 8DS

The second ring joins to the first ring of to the long picots on which you have placed one of the larger beads.

diagram for bracelet with beads and hanging cluny technique, ds count and position of hcl by Dagmar Pezzuto 2018

Notes: The rings may be tatted as a ring surrounded by a chain or as an onion ring set.
The small beads need to be placed on the shuttle thread or you may make the long picot then place the three beads into position and then make the join to the inner ring.
Repeat as many as needed for the desired size.

Please review:

Please review the basics of the hanging cluny with Ruth Perry's tutorial. The link is listed on this page.

two color hanging cluny

How to make the onion ring join.
onion ring closeup by Georgia Seitz

The onion ring join makes it possible to create the look of a ring surrounded by a chain but using only one shuttle.

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