Meaning of Some Woody Plants and Vines

Meaning of Some Woody Plants and Vines
In the Language of Flowers, many woody plants and vines have been given a meaning. Details for some of these are below.

Hydrangea Blossoms

These flowers can be interpreted in both positive and negative ways. They can represent hopefulness, gratitude, and perseverance. On the other hand, these can also refer to boastfulness, disdain, and heartlessness.

English Ivy Blossoms

English ivy flowers appear late in the year and have been regarded in a positive way. They can mean fidelity, wedded love, affection, eternal love, truthfulness, and friendship.

Myrtle Blossoms

The blooms of myrtle represent love and have been associated with marriage.

Lilac Blossoms

The flowers of lilac are said to represent various sentiments. They can stand for purity, modesty, discernment, youthful innocence, and love. These can also signify an upcoming farewell and disappointment in love. Purple lilac represents high spirits, while the white ones represent youthful innocence.

Gardenia Blossoms

The blossoms of gardenias stand for a secret untold love, peace, refinement, loveliness, gracefulness, artistry, and subtlety.

Periwinkle Blossoms

The flowers of periwinkle express tender emotions, such as sweet memories and remembrance, deep friendship, and lasting relationships.

St. John’s wort Blossoms

The flowers of St. John’s wort are associated with the sun, which might be due to their color. As such, they are regarded as expressing cheerfulness. At the same time, one source says these flowers can represent animosity. St. John’s wort can be a perennial, or a shrub, depending on the species, but I chose to include both types in this article.

Orange Blossoms

Orange flowers express various positive values. These include marriage, innocence, purity, eternal love, calmness, beauty, fruitfulness, and fertility.

Morning Glory Blossoms

The flowers of the morning glories signify both positive and less desirable qualities. Among these are affection, rebirth that follows death, vain glory, affectation, and coquetry.

Rosemary Blossoms

The flowers of the rosemary represent the essence of remembrance. At the same time, rosemary also expresses faithfulness, friendship, dedicated devotion, and Christian love.

Elder Flowers

The blossoms of elder represent compassion.

Honeysuckle Blossoms

The flowers of honeysuckle are said to represent the bonds of love.

Passion Flower

The blossoms of passion flower stand for faith, religious fervor and Christian faith as well as the suffering of Christ.

Dogwood Blossoms

Dogwood flowers represent endurance and CHECK perseverance.

Wisteria Blossoms

The flowers of wisteria express welcome, steadfast affection, obedience, and faithfulness.

Jasmine Blossoms

Jasmine flowers generally express good luck and good fortune. The color of the flower can also determine the meaning. White jasmine expresses elegance, grace, amiability, friendship, and divine love. This is a symbol for the Virgin Mary.

Yellow jasmine stands for grace.

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