Tulips for Forcing

Tulips for Forcing
Some of the main bulbs that are forced include the tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, and different kinds of crocus. This article focuses on various kinds of tulips that are suitable for forcing. These include the following groups of tulips

Single early Tulips

These are medium height, which makes them good for forcing. They’re ten to 18 inches tall. The stems are tall and sturdy.

Quite a few of the single early tulips have fragrant blossoms. The cup shaped, glossy flowers appear in early spring in mid April. All of the single early tulips are good for forcing.

Double Early Tulips

Double Early tulips are named for the huge double blossoms. These are borne on a foot to 1½ feet tall sturdy stems.

Opening in mid April, the peony-like blossoms are particularly long lasting. These are fully double and very fluffy looking.

All varieties of the Double Early tulips are suitable for forcing.

Greigii Tulips

The Greigii tulips are mid season varieties that are ideal for forcing due to the short stems. The large blossoms are very vividly colored.

The attractive leaves can be mottled or streaky, which is one of the features that are unique to the Greigii tulips.

Typically, these tulips bloom in April and May. The flower stems are 8 to 20 inches in height. The large two toned blossoms come in various bright, rich colors.

Triumph Tulips

The Triumph tulips are hybrids of late flowering varieties with Single Early tulips. The stems are medium in height. The well shaped blossoms are quite large. These are one of the best choices for forcing.

The Triumph tulips are a cross between the Early tulip and the Darwin tulips.
These bloom in April and May. The blooms are classically shaped and come in a rainbow of colors. The flowers are quite substantial.

Fosteriana Tulips

The Fosteriana tulips are sometimes called the Emperor tulips. These bear some of the largest tulips around. Very brightly colored, the petals are also very large. The stems are 14 to 18 inches in height. Flowering is in mid April, which is very early for tulips. The blossoms are borne on strong stems. All of the Fosteriana tulips are suitable for forcing.

Species Tulips

One of the species tulips is quite suited to forcing. Tulipa schrenkii is a mid season species tulip that reaches 4 to 8 inches in height.

The cupped wine red tulips have orange-gold along the edges of the tapered petals. The petals end in a sharp tip. Each petal is separated from the others.

This has been in cultivation since 1608. it is native to Iran an Turkey.

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