Indiana Berry and Plant Guide for 2022

Indiana Berry  and Plant Guide for 2022
The 2022 Indiana Berry and Plant catalog is now available. Order early to avoid disappointment as some plants have already sold out. This catalog is suitable for home gardeners as well as owners of U-pick operations and farm stands.

As the cover of the catalog states, this is also a guide to growing these plants. So, save the catalog in case questions come up later when the plants arrive.

This offers in-depth information on how to grow each crop, the number of plants needed for a given area, etc. There are details on pruning each crop along and controls for pest and disease problems. For the major types of berries, this has planting charts for each type.

The catalog does feature some edible plants that aren’t necessarily fruits or berries with examples being horseradish roots and asparagus crowns.

This catalog takes the guess work out of ordering because there is a handy planting table on the first page. This chart gives details on spacing the plants, when you can expect to harvest the crop, and the expected annual yield per plant.

Some of the fruit plants found in this catalog include blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, as well as elderberries loganberries, honeyberries, currants, gooseberries, lingonberries, kiwi, bush cherry, dwarf mulberry, figs, black chokecherry, sea buckthorn, elderberries, paw paws, rhubarb,
and goji berry. They also sell hop plants as well.

In addition to plants, gardeners will find this has many kinds of gardening supplies, such as bird netting, trellises, soil testing items, row covers, fertilizers, books on growing berries and fruits, and pruning shears. There are also specialized supplies for U-pick operations and the like.

For 2022, the catalog features three new June bearing strawberry varieties. The section on raspberries feature summer reds, purples, and blacks as well as the various colors of the fall bearing varieties.

The Indiana Berry and Plant catalog has a wide selection of blackberry varieties, including summer bearing and fall bearing. The thorny ones are clearly identified to make plant selection easy.

Crimson Treasure raspberry is a new addition to the Crimson series. This plant is recommended for zones 5 through 8. The very productive plant bears extremely large berries twice the size of Heritage raspberry—5 grams. The quality is maintained during storage. These raspberries ripen in the fall.

Archer strawberry is also new. This should do well in the Northeast and possibly in the Upper Midwest because the plant is quite hardy. The fruits ripen mid season for two to three weeks. The very aromatic sweet berries are very large.

Dickens strawberry originated at Cornell University where it was bred by Dr. Courtney Weber. Hardy to zone 4, this bears late mid season. The firm large fruits are sweet tasting.

D’Light strawberry was released by Rutgers University. It was trialed in New Jersey where it performed beautifully. This did well in zones 4 through 7. However, the catalog stresses that the plant’s adaptability to some other regions isn’t clear at this point.

For that reason, gardeners might wish to plant a limited number to see how it performs in their area. The early to mid season fruits have an excellent flavor and are recommended for chocolate dipped strawberries.

Indiana Berry and Plant Company specializes in strawberries, brambles of all sorts, blueberries, and grapes.

They are also a good source for currant and gooseberry plants. The miscellaneous fruits listings follow the currant and gooseberry section.

The strawberry listings include June bearing, day neutrals, and everbearing varieties. This catalog is also a great source of blueberries. This has blueberry listings for the different regions, including varieties for the East, Midwest, Minnesota, and low chill ones for the South. The catalog has separate listings for the table grapes and wine grapes.

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