Beliefs And Actions

Beliefs And Actions
Throughout our life we have been exposed to many experiences and teachers. Unconsciously we have adopted a lot of the beliefs associated with each. For example; if a parent always struggled to have money, it is likely that you have created a belief around that and perhaps struggle with money yourself.

Many beliefs are hidden from us, and are held in the unconscious mind. They seem hidden because they are so natural to us, and we do not have to give them any thought. When we find and challenge them, it can be a very revealing if not trans formative experience.

Let’s take the example of money, since it seems to be a big issue that many of us experience. If we have been brought up to believe that there is never enough money to meet our needs, then we will adopt certain behaviors and habits in-line with that belief. For example; we will scrimp and save, deny ourselves items that are deemed as luxury, and live with a poverty consciousness. We effectively block the abundance from coming to us, because the belief in lack is holding it at bay.

However, depending on how we see the world will depend on how we feel about it, and experience it. Is the world a scary place? Do you feel supported by a higher power? Does lack exist everywhere you look? Or do you feel that you are always supported, and everything you need is always provided for you? These different views will create very different experiences, and outcomes.

If we never feel good enough to achieve our dreams, we are more likely to act in ways that do not support us in achieving them. If we are afraid of failure, we will probably not take on anything that is too taxing, and stop ourselves from even trying. Rather than seeing yourself as a failure, see the activity you engaged in as failing; giving you new insights on how to proceed next. Failure is necessary to success, and an intrinsic part of the growth/learning process.

Fear of any kind is usually due to a limiting belief or experience that created a false belief about something. When we stop and question our beliefs about something like; I never have enough money, it can assist with finding alternative ways to seeing the belief and the consequences of having it.

On a deeper level, the beliefs we hold about anything is a frequency that we emit, as with the law of attraction, every frequency attaches to like frequencies and attracts more of the same. Without doing anything other than thinking, we continue to attract to ourselves experiences and situations that confirm our beliefs.

Beliefs also have an emotional aspect to them. The belief of lack will bring up some feelings or emotions in the body. These are very powerful triggers and generally invoke a reaction. If it is a familiar trigger, we will be continuing to react in the same ways, therefore perpetuating the cycle and bringing more lack to us. Breaking the emotional connection; by seeing the situation from a new perspective, can start to undo the old ways of thinking and create a breakthrough.

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