Preparing for Emergencies

Preparing for Emergencies
In light of the 5th Anniversary of 9-11-01 a good emergency plan should be considered. Here are a few helpful hints.
As a diabetic you face many challenges during any emergency, more so than anyone else.
Earthquakes, hurricanes and tornados are major emergencies that require advance preparation.

Here are a few easy things to do to prepare for such an emergency.

1.Be sure to keep all medication in a safe place and easy access. In the event of hurricanes, tornados or earthquakes are sure to have a safe and secure place for any and all medication. Consider a cooler in the garage or your car filled with all your medications and insulin. Also consider having medication at friends and relatives in case the emergency requires you to leave home. Keep backup monitors, strips and any other medical supplies stored in other areas.

2.Have doctors, pharmacist and any other specialist phone numbers handy. Phone numbers can be life savers for emergencies. Have family members or relatives have numbers handy in case you have to go out of town and need medical advice.

3.Food. Diabetics need to eat constantly. Be sure to have a backup supply of food you can eat and help to keep your blood glucose levels normal. Coolers are a good resource to store food and water. Keep a cooler or other container in your car filled up with food supplies.

4.Contact numbers. Be sure your family has a central contact number in case of an emergency. This way you can communicate to other family members of your whereabouts and conditions at all time.

5.An emergency radio. Consider purchasing an emergency radio that doesn’t require batteries. There are numerous ones using hand power or solar powered. If your batteries die you can still hear ongoing news about your emergency.

With the threat of hurricanes, tornados and earthquakes be sure you are prepared for all emergencies. Your life depends on it.

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Emergency Radios
Igloo Official Store
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