Full Harvest Moon of September

Full Harvest Moon of September
Waxing moon period: 8/26/2014 to 9/7/2014
Waxing first quarter moon: 9/2/2014
Full Harvest Moon: 9/8/2014
Waning moon period: 9/9/2014 to 9/23/2014
Waning last quarter moon: 9/15/2014
New Moon: 9/24/2014
Observations: none

The September full moon is the Harvest Moon. This is also the month of the second harvest (root crops) and Mabon sabbat / autumn equinox. This is an extremely busy month for spellwork. During the waxing moon phase, cast prosperity spells to ensure a bountiful harvest. On the night of the full moon, work magic to increase your health and strength. You must fortify yourself during the harvest, the busiest time of the year and prepare yourself for the coming winter. The waning moon phase can be used for banishing anything negative that might affect your harvest or your projects.

Your altar
Dress your altar with a burgundy or purple cloth to represent the fruits of the harvest. Other suitable colors are brown and orange. As a centerpiece, place a basket, earthenware bowl, or even a dried grapevine wreath laid flat that overflows with real or plastic grapes, purple onions, and red apples. Because Mabon also falls within this month, you could make one altar to celebrate both the Full Harvest Moon and the sabbat.

Waxing Moon Magic
From the night after the last new moon to the full Harvest Moon:

Cast prosperity spells to make your harvest as good as possible. If you have a literal harvest in your garden, picture the fruits and vegetables at their most perfect. Ask for the gods to infuse them with the blessings of earth and sun. If your harvest is metaphorical – that is, projects related to love, life, and career – visualize in the greatest detail you can muster the outcome that you most desire. Ask the gods to help you reap every bit of good from the fulfillment of this year’s goals.

Full Moon Magic
On the night of the Full Harvest Moon, do a spell to increase your strength and vitality. You must safeguard your physical health before the cold, dark descent into winter. Think of it as getting a spiritual flu shot! Do a ritual of thanksgiving for the bounty of the second harvest. Remember to write in your Book of Mirrors, describing the harvest (literal and metaphoric) and linking back to your entries from springtime about the planting and planning. You want to be able to track your results so that you may analyze them during the stillness of winter and prepare for next year’s growing season.

Waning Moon Magic
From the night after the full Harvest Moon to the next new moon:
Work banishing magic to clear away all obstacles to the harvest. If your harvest is literally fruits and vegetables, you are driving away things like molds, fungus, insects, and critters such as foxes or raccoons that might raid the garden. If your harvest is metaphoric, you are sending away negative energy, emotional turmoil, distractions, and anything else that might interfere with your focus as you guide your projects to completion.

See also Names of the Twelve Full Moons.

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Moon Magic
Names of the Twelve Full Moons

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