10 Things Every Vegetarian Should Do

10 Things Every Vegetarian Should Do
It's easy to fall into ruts: life ruts, job ruts and yes... even vegetarian ruts. Whether you're old or new to vegetarianism you may need to consider another approach. So here's your quick '10 Things Every Vegetarian Should Do' guide. It's a set of user-friendly steps to defend against growing tired of your vegetarian meals.

Tip 1: Be a Visionary

Understand the vision for your health, well being and wholeness. It's like the scriptures say, "Where there is no vision, the people perish:..." [Prov. 29:18]. If you begin to see how your food choices and lifestyle fits into the bigger picture of your life, it'll give you the 'why' behind everything you choose to insure your success.

Tip 2: Meet the Locals - Be Social - Meet the Community

Take time out to go to your local farms, farmer's markets, natural foods markets, health food stores, grocery stores, etc. and strike up a conversation with your vendors, green grocers and experts. Ask them questions about their product and get a feel of what it is they're selling and, better than that... learn about what you'll be buying.

Also search for events that'll give you more resources and broaden your horizons to what's available to you in the vegetarian market.

Tip 3: Be Adventurous - Try New Things - Go International

Go out and eat with other cultures, make mental notes and, if the meals are not already vegetarian, convert them.

Tip 4: Locate and Develop a Relationship with Your Staples

Staples are the things you should keep on hand: dry goods (fruits, vegetables); beans; grains; nuts & seeds; condiments; liquids & bases; etc. Figure out what works best for you.

Tip 5: Always Remember Your First Love

Hey, if you love lasagna then don't throw out the baby with the bath water just because you've gone vegetarian. Get with your new found vegetarian way and discover how to make that dairy-free, meatless lasagna that'll convince even the hardiest meat eater that they are chomping down on prime Italian sausage laden lasagna. Just because you're vegetarian or are trying to eat healthy doesn't mean that you have to sacrifice aroma, the bold flavors and texture.

Tip 6: Be Creative - Switch It Up

Years ago over one summer, I had a house full of nieces and nephews who didn't want anything to do with vegetarian food; but by the time I finished creatively switching things up they didn't know whether the meals were vegetarian or not, all they knew is that they were clamoring for seconds.

Tip 7: Teach & Be Taught

As you develop more ease with your vegetarian lifestyle and you discover more and new ways of doing things share this knowledge with others. Become your favorite mentor, it creates reciprocity.

Tip 8: Have a Lot of Fun with It

Chose three ways at the end of each day that you can have fun the following day in your vegetarian adventures.

Tip 9: Help Others Escape Their Ruts

Let's face it... we tend to be creatures of habit. So do something new and unexpected like: have a vegetarian cookout and swap those healthy recipes & techniques. When we help others escape their ruts it keeps us out of ours.

Tip 10: Write a Review

Keep it new for yourself by writing a review on the dishes and products that you like and find useful.

So remember - 1) Be a visionary; 2) Meet the locals; 3) Be adventurous; 4) Get to know your staples; 5) Remember your first love; 6) Be creative; 7) Teach and learn; 8) Have fun; 9) Help others; 10) Write a review - If you apply any one, a combination of, or all of the tips you've read hear today then you will effectively be able to defend yourself against the 'vegetarian ruts' that are so easy to fall into.

Get more timely, interactive vegetarian information by joining my forum and let me know how you defend against your vegetarian ruts. It's been great as usual talking with you. Until next time... Bye for now.

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