Life is a Tug Of War

Life is a Tug Of War


Life can seem ungrateful
and not always kind...

Life can pull at your heartstrings
and play with your mind...

Life can be blissful
and happy and free...

Life can put beauty
in the things that you see ...

Life can place challenges
right at your feet...

Life can make good
of the hardships we meet...

Life can overwhelm you
and make your head spin...

Life can reward those
determined to win...

Life can be hurtful
and not always fair...

Life can surround you
with people who care ...

Life clearly does offer
its ups and its downs...

Life's days can bring you
both smiles and frowns...

Life teaches us to take
the good with the bad...

Life is a mixture
of happy and sad...


Take the life that you have
and give it your best...

Think positive be happy
let God do the rest...

Take the challenges that life
has laid at your feet...

Take pride and be thankful
for each one you meet...

To yourself give forgiveness
if you stumble and fall...

Take each day that is dealt you
and give it your all...

Take the love that you're given
and return it with care...

Have faith that when needed
it will always be there...

Take time to find the beauty
in the things that you see...

Take life's simple pleasures
let them set your heart free...

The idea here is simply
to even the score...

As you are met and faced with
Life's Tug of War.

~~ Author Unknown ~~

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"The block of granite which was an obstacle on the path of the weak, becomes a stepping stone in the path of the strong."

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Content copyright © 2023 by Amy Packham. All rights reserved.
This content was written by Amy Packham. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Nicole Cardillo for details.