The Law Of Attraction

The Law Of Attraction
There has been much written about the law of attraction, and how we create our reality. Many spiritual teachers advocate certain methods for attracting what you want. They may work for you, although the deeper truth is our life can only ever be a reflection of our consciousness about it.

Do you ever wonder why life works so well for some and not others? It is mostly to do with the beliefs we have, and feelings of worthiness of good things. Being successful depends on a certain mind set. Feeling worthy, and expecting the best are important factors of success.

All thoughts have a frequency which matches the beliefs we hold, and the thoughts we think. If we do not believe that certain things are possible for us, they won’t be. When we live in congruence, and are not afraid to be who we are, we open up the possibilities for life to flow to us and match our higher frequency, and create results we prefer.

The law of attraction is working all the time, and creating the results we are experiencing. If you look closely and honestly at your life, can you perhaps see why certain things are as they are? It may not be obvious as mostly our thoughts and beliefs are so ingrained they just seem natural, and we never question why we think in the ways we do, or act in the ways we do.

What is the law of attraction? It is the natural communication of the universe. In simple terms, it is the way we interact with life. Everything in its raw form is energy, and vibrations. Each vibration has a frequency, and the frequency we emit is dependent on the thoughts we think. Life is a massive communication system, working perfectly and in harmony with the messages it receives from everyone.

The Secret, a film that portrayed ways of working with the law of attraction, offered strategies to being in harmony with it, rather than working against it. They identified asking, believing, and receiving as a three step process. Ask the universe for what you want, believe that it is possible, and be open to receiving it.

This is great advice, however, if your frequency is communicating other messages, for example; I’m not good enough, good things never happen to me, that will never happen, or thinking any other similar thoughts will sabotage your best efforts.

Uncovering our limiting beliefs allows us to be clear about what we are thinking, and why we have been unable to attract all the things we want. Perhaps if we strive to be the best we can be, life will bring us the best we can receive.

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