Message to Our Troops in Iraq

Message to Our Troops in Iraq
I am not sure how many sources are telling all of you serving in Iraq just how much those of us in America appreciate you for your sacrifices and respect you for upholding that which we all believe--FREEDOM! We love you all, we support you all, and we thank God for all that you are doing over there in Iraq.

I am a Korean, Vietnam Veteran and I know all veterans feel the same as I do and they are proud of you for what you are doing. I have also spoken to many Americans who are civilians, and while they are not serving their country, they are supporting you and standing behind you.

We all want you to know that we are sick of the media and their continued aid to the enemy. They are doing more good for the enemy via the published and audio media than the enemy could do for themselves. We have no idea how these little-minded people with poor eyesight and vision can even think of trying to obtain a decent night's sleep. And one day they will find out the price they have to pay for their ignorance, their stupidity, and their acts of treason against the people of the United States of America.

We, the people, of the United States of America, support all you troops, commend you for your bravery and courage, and applaud your fortitude under extreme situations in a war-torn place we call Iraq. We know of the good you are doing that the media never publishes or shows on television because there are some good people out there and some good news sources outside the United States. Those news sources feeding us the TRUTH should be awarded the Pulitzer Prize for standing up to be counted where our news media is cowering and hiding behind the yellow journalism they preach day after day amid the bombs of stupidity and ignorance.

You can take a look at many of the commercials on TV and get an idea of how much intelligence is graduating from our colleges and universities. They have learned how to make pop cans fly, how to write on the stomachs of people, and things like that which show exactly how brilliant they really are. The same kind of intelligence and wisdom has been flowing out of our colleges and universities as that, so it is no wonder they have no idea what it is to be an American, or to love freedom, or to salute our flag and love their country.

This note from a Veteran is being sent to all of you who are serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other parts of the world because we want you all to know how proud we are of you. When you come home from your nightmare in that war-torn country, we want you to wear your uniform with pride, stand up tall and be counted, as a veteran and as an American. You deserve it and you have earned it.

One other note: to live the best life you can live and enjoy all that you have earned by your actions, we recommend that you make it a point to pass by all the newsstands. You will feel much better if you do not tune in to the news broadcasts which, for the most part, are either repeats, or news that has about as much integrity as a bowl of charred newspapers. And thank God that you served like a man for a cause worth fighting for--freedom, rather than setting type in some crummy newsroom to report a sensational bloody death so it could make the front page of some obscure newspaper no one cares to read any more.


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