Garden Books for Summer Reading

Garden Books for Summer Reading
Here are some gardening books for your summer reading pleasure.

“A Garden for Life-the Natural Approach to Designing, Planting, and Maintaining a Northern Temperate Garden” by Diana Beresford-Kroeger was published by the University of Michigan Press. Beautifully illustrated with color photos by Christine H. Kroeger, this definitive guide features everything you need to know about creating eco-friendly, low maintenance gardens. This practical, invaluable title with over 1200 plant species if highly useful for North America as well as European gardens since the author includes a handy chart with hardiness zone information for each area. With a complete list of plants, the sample garden designs can be adapted to your particular needs. This title focuses on herbaceous plants, including perennials, biennials, bulbs, and bulb-like species.

“Earthly Delights-Gardening by the Seasons the Easy Way” by Margot Rochester was published by Taylor Trade. This offers valuable time-saving tips and quick solutions for busy gardeners. The author’s goal is to minimize drudgery while at the same time emphasizing the pleasures of gardening. The contents are arranged by season with over 75 ideas and techniques that require a minimum of effort. Among the topics are garden design, plant selection, mulching, and soil preparation. Throughout the book, she offers ways to create easy care gardens.

“The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Rock and Water Gardening” by Carlo A. Balisterieri et al was released by Alpha Books. This easy to use guide features all you need to know about creating rock and water gardens in your landscape. The authors walk you through the entire process from choosing plants and materials, and creating designs to the different tools and techniques you’ll need to know along with maintenance tips. They even explain how to combine rock and water features in the same garden. There are eight projects with fully illustrated step-by-step instructions.

“The Secret Techniques of Bonsai-a Guide to Starting, Raising, and Shaping Bonsai” by Masakuni Kawasumi II and his son, Masakuni Kawasumi III, goes beyond the basics. Released by Kodansha International, this groundbreaking title presents techniques that one rarely hears about. Suitable for beginners and experienced bonsai gardeners, this in-depth title provides illustrated, step-by-step instructions. The authors begin with the basics of choosing a style and a suitable plant, and proceed to propagation, care, and maintenance. They devote particular attention to bonsai tools, a topic on which they are renowned experts. As Japan’s very first tree doctor for bonsai, Kawasumi III wrote the last chapter advising people about the health of their plants. After his father died in 2002, he chose to carry on the family’s tradition with bonsai.

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