Scandal - Season 3 Shockers

Scandal - Season 3 Shockers
There is a picture that was floating around on the various social media networks during the height of Scandal's third season. The picture depicts a woman laying on the floor, having a heart attack. The words on the picture insinuate that the lady is having a heart attack because she just finished watching the most recent episode of Scandal. The drama on the show is so deep that it is sure to make someone feel like they can't breathe anymore.

Throughout the ups and the downs, Scandal's loyal following was shocked to learn a few things this season. Some of the season's top shockers were:

*Olivia's father, Rowan Eli Pope, is the head of B613. Up to this point, Eli has just been a thorn in our back. Although it's revealed in the last episode of Season 2 that Eli is Olivia's dad, we don't find out until the first episode of Season 3 that he is also in charge of the secret government group that Huck and Jake were in, B613.

*When he was in the military, President Grant was ordered to shoot down a plane during Operation Remington. Unbeknownst to him, it turns out that the plane had Olivia's mom as a passenger.

*Vice President Sally Langston finds out that her husband cheated on her with Cyrus' husband, James. She flips out and kills him….in their house. She calls Cyrus for help. Now President Grant's Administration is calling the shots and Sally's hopes of beating him in the upcoming election are crushed.

*Quinn has been tricked into *Mama Pope is alive and well. Initially we thought that Mama Pope was shut down in the airplane however it turns out that Eli got her off the plane at the last minute. He smuggled her out under at the last minute under an alias. Mama Pope has been locked away for all of these years. She escapes by killing a doctor who is tending to her. Mama Pope finds Olivia and Olivia gets Fitz to help smuggle her mom out of the country. Not long after the plane takes off, Olivia finds out that her mom is a terrorist and tries to capture her however Mama Pope has already killed the airplane crew and left the plane. She's last seen outside of the White House.

All of this happened in the first half of Season 3. The second half of Season 3 promises to address many of these jaw dropping shockers as well as, in true Scandal-fashion, find new ways to have you gasping for breath by the end of each episode.

Scandal airs on ABC on Thursday nights. You can catch up on past episodes on Netflix and ABC on Demand.

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