Message In a Bathroom

Message In a Bathroom
Last week I wrote about communication from the other side and how I’ve been fortunate to receive a number of such messages from my beautiful Craig since he passed over two years ago. Yesterday evening I was thinking over those communications and realised that I hadn’t received one in quite a while. I was quite upset yesterday in fact and kept thinking of all the wonderful memories I had of Craig, but how this was all I had left; no more new memories to be made. Then all those previous messages from the other side came into my head, as if Craig was reminding me “Hey, what about all those signs I gave! I’m here, I’m still here...”

This had the effect of calming and reassuring me I suppose. Still, I found myself standing at the foot of my sons grave last night and pleading tearfully that he send me another sign. I even apologised for being greedy, but that I just needed another sign. He had, afterall, sent me so many different signals at times when I really needed them that I felt guilty in asking for more. However, ask I did. The reason I’m writing this article this week is that last night, and not all that long after leaving my sons graveside, I was blessed with another message.

I was sitting downstairs almost ready to turn in, when my partner Barbara called me urgently from upstairs: “Quick Neville, look at this!” I ran out into the hallway and to the foot of the stairs but before climbing I could see a strange strobe effect lighting up the hallway. When I reached the top of the stairs I could see Barbara standing outside the bathroom staring up at its light. It was flashing repeatedly. We both stood there briefly just watching it pulsate, knowing in our hearts that it was Craig. Yes, some people will automatically think that it was just a faulty filament and believe that I’m ripe for a visit to the funny farm but I knew and know that it was Craig. This was the second time that we have had our upstairs light exhibit this peculiar effect. Both times I’ve been able to capture it on my camera phone too. It is the cumulative effect of these oddities that confirms to me that it was Craig and the timing. I had just asked my son, in the most heartfelt and desperate manner, to please give me another sign – and he did!

This has happened on so many occasions now that I believe my son to be unusually gifted in being able to ‘get through’, so to speak. I don’t know how it all works but I do know that it gives me such a warm feeling when I receive those wonderful messages. This is why I’m relaying those messages today, to you my readers. If you have lost a child, but not yet received a message, and can BELIEVE in the messages I’ve received from Craig, then you too will KNOW that your child is still alive, just around the corner.

Death is not final, just the next stage and our children have advanced ahead of us.

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