Free African Themed ePostcards

Free African Themed ePostcards
I'm always taking Africa related photos wherever I go - museums, zoos, and Africa, of course! Some of these photos are available to send to your friends as electronic postcards. They are free and fun - except for the masks, those are scary! Our postcards have no time limit so your friends can look at them whenever they wish.

Here are the current categories of African themed postcards for you to choose from:

African Animal PostcardsAnimals - All sorts of African animals including elephants, warthogs, gorillas, and more. Some animals have their own category because of their popularity.

African Cats PostcardsAnimals - Big Cats - The big cats of Africa! Lions, cheetahs, and leopards, oh my! The big cats are one of the most popular animals seen on safari.

African Bird PostcardsAnimals - Birds - There are all sorts of birds in Africa - Storks, crane, vultures and more. I remember seeing weaver birds in the village of Chamasiri working on their nests. I was so impressed since the only other time I'd seen them was on Sesame Street when I was a little girl.

African Giraffe PostcardsAnimals - Giraffes - I love giraffes which is why they have their own category. Giraffes are the tallest mammal and only sleep up to 12 minutes a day. Here are some really great giraffe postcards for you to send to your friends.

African Lemur PostcardsAnimals - Lemurs - So cute and fun! Made popular by the Madagascar movies and Nickelodeon's Penguins of Madagascar. Send someone a picture of King Julian, I mean, a lemur today.

African Meerkat PostcardsAnimals - Meerkats - Made popular by the Lion King movies and Meerkat Manor, these little cuties make great postcards to send.

African Animal PostcardsAnimals - The End - The backside of an African animal is always funny. Did I tell you about the time a rhino sprayed a bunch of people at the zoo?

African Art PostcardsArt - Africa has some fabulous artwork. From gourds to batiks and sculptures - even items made from repurposed trash - Africa has some very inovative and creative art! You can find African masks and mudcloth in their own categories.

African Currency PostcardsCurrency - Money from Africa. Everybody likes money, send some to your friends!

African Flag PostcardsFlags - Show your African pride by sending an African flag postcard!

African Flower PostcardsFlowers From Africa - Did you know the calla lily comes from South Africa? Lots of beautiful flowers come from Africa. Send one to a friend or loved one!

African Landscapes PostcardsLandscapes - Africa has some of the most beautiful landscapes.

African Masks PostcardsMasks - African Masks. There are some scary ones here.

African Musical Instruments PostcardsMusical Instruments - African musical instruments including drums, flutes, trumpets, lyres and more to send to your friends.

African PostcardsMiscellaneous - Interesting pictures without their own home.

African Mudcloth PostcardsMudcloth - Mudcloth from Mali, full sized mudcloth and single symbol postcards for you to send.

African People PostcardsPeople - These are some pictures I took while I spent a year in Kenya.

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African Culture Quiz
Mancala - The African National Game
Hangman - African Style

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This content was written by Jeanne Egbosiuba Ukwendu. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact BellaOnline Administration for details.