Gallery 2 Album Top Level Settings
In the last tutorial, we decided on the structure for our portfolio. Now we can set up Gallery 2 to match this structure.
If you remember, we decided to change the title of the gallery from "Gallery" to "Portfolio". Let's do that now. Click on the Edit Album link in the menu. There you will find three tabs including General, Album and Theme.
On the General tab – Title section, we can change the title to "Portfolio". We really don't need a description for this portfolio. If someone has the login ability, they already know the purpose of this portfolio. So, let's remove the text from the Description box. Save your settings.
On the Album tab, we can change the default pixel size for the thumbnails from 150 pixels to 200 pixels. This is not necessary but I prefer my thumbnails to be a little larger than 150 pixels. We want this to be consistent for all the sub albums so put a check in the box next to Use this thumbnail size in all subalbums. Save your changes.
On the Theme tab – Configure Theme, we can set the number of columns from 3 to 4 but keep the number of rows set to 3. This will give us 12 thumbnails on each page. Also, my clients already know that this is my portfolio. So let's remove the checkmark for Show Album Owners. Save the settings.
Before we begin adding albums to this portfolio, let's set the User Permissions. User Permission settings are how you will control who can view your private portfolio. Since this is the top level gallery for your portfolio, we want to control who can and cannot access the entrance page to the portfolio. As you would expect, only Registered Users will be able to get passed the login form to view the portfolio.
So let's set up these permissions for the top level of our portfolio. From the left menu, click Edit Permissions and go to the Group Permissions section. At this point, Site Admins has All Access to the portfolio meaning that as Site Admin, you can create, edit and delete albums and set permissions. Also, Everybody has View all Versions access to the portfolio. We don't want everybody to view the portfolio. We need to change this so that only Registered Users have this permission.
For Everybody, click the Remove button. The Everybody group will be removed leaving only Site Admins. Now we can add Registers Users. Under the New Group Permissions, type Registers Users in the input box and set View All Versions. Click Add Permissions.
Now, all Registered Users can access the portfolio and non registered user can't get passed the login page.
If you remember, we decided to change the title of the gallery from "Gallery" to "Portfolio". Let's do that now. Click on the Edit Album link in the menu. There you will find three tabs including General, Album and Theme.
On the General tab – Title section, we can change the title to "Portfolio". We really don't need a description for this portfolio. If someone has the login ability, they already know the purpose of this portfolio. So, let's remove the text from the Description box. Save your settings.
On the Album tab, we can change the default pixel size for the thumbnails from 150 pixels to 200 pixels. This is not necessary but I prefer my thumbnails to be a little larger than 150 pixels. We want this to be consistent for all the sub albums so put a check in the box next to Use this thumbnail size in all subalbums. Save your changes.
On the Theme tab – Configure Theme, we can set the number of columns from 3 to 4 but keep the number of rows set to 3. This will give us 12 thumbnails on each page. Also, my clients already know that this is my portfolio. So let's remove the checkmark for Show Album Owners. Save the settings.
Before we begin adding albums to this portfolio, let's set the User Permissions. User Permission settings are how you will control who can view your private portfolio. Since this is the top level gallery for your portfolio, we want to control who can and cannot access the entrance page to the portfolio. As you would expect, only Registered Users will be able to get passed the login form to view the portfolio.
So let's set up these permissions for the top level of our portfolio. From the left menu, click Edit Permissions and go to the Group Permissions section. At this point, Site Admins has All Access to the portfolio meaning that as Site Admin, you can create, edit and delete albums and set permissions. Also, Everybody has View all Versions access to the portfolio. We don't want everybody to view the portfolio. We need to change this so that only Registered Users have this permission.
For Everybody, click the Remove button. The Everybody group will be removed leaving only Site Admins. Now we can add Registers Users. Under the New Group Permissions, type Registers Users in the input box and set View All Versions. Click Add Permissions.
Now, all Registered Users can access the portfolio and non registered user can't get passed the login page.
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This content was written by Diane Cipollo. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Diane Cipollo for details.