InDesign Fixed Layout ePub Page Text

InDesign Fixed Layout ePub Page Text
In this InDesign® tutorial, we will continue working on the fixed layout ePub project. We have already placed a background image on each page of the ePub and we are now ready to add the text. If you remember, each page has a text frame added by default when you created the page. Now we will add the text to this text frame.

The example project is a poem. If your project is different, you should have divided the text into sections. You will need one section of text per page. Copy the first section of the text into your clipboard and go to the corresponding page in the Pages panel. In the example, the first page of the poem begins on page 4 in the Pages panel (see screenshot).

  1. Open your project file and double click page 4 in the Pages panel to load that page into the workspace. Go to the Layers panel, select the text frame layer and drag it above the background image layer, as we want the text to be on top of the image (see screenshot).

  2. With the text frame layer still selected, go to the page in the workspace and you should see a very small text frame icon at the top left corner of the page. The text frame covers the entire page. We will resize the text frame after we add our text.

  3. Tip: If you have trouble finding the text frame icon, turn off the visibility of the background graphic (see screenshot).

  4. Double click the text frame icon with the Selection tool and you should see a blinking cursor. Click Edit - Paste from the top menu, to add the text into the text frame.

  5. The text is very small. Let's enlarge the text (see screenshot).

  6. Drag over the text to select the text.

  7. From the Control panel, set the Font and Font Style to that of your choice.

  8. In the example, I set the Font to Noteworthy Light.

  9. To make the text larger, set the Font Size to 44, the Leading to 80 and Tracking to 50 (see screenshot).

  10. The font size, leading and tracking are just suggestions. You will want to change these numbers to work best with your choice of Font.

    The background image for this page should have an empty area for the text. In the example, the empty area is to the right of the fireplace (see screenshot). Now we need to position the text frame over that blank area on the page. Depending on your own art, you may wish to place the text somewhere else on the page.

  11. With the text frame selected, resize the frame to hold the entire text that you pasted into the frame but remove any extra empty space. Drag the text frame and position it into place.

Repeat these steps for the other pages of the ePub which contain text.

Save your work. Next, we will add the narrative mp3 files to our ePub.

Index - InDesign Fixed Layout ePub

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This content was written by Diane Cipollo. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Diane Cipollo for details.