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Halloween Witch Virtual Paper Doll
One of my ancestors was accused of being a witch at the Salem Witch Trials in 1692, so I understand completely that being called a "witch" was not a thing to take lightly! Over the centuries it has been primarily women who were accused of being witches, and often these charges were a cover for taking over these women's land and property. Women who were intelligent, who were good with herbs, who were able to accumulate money and assets without a man's help were often seen as threats and were therefore driven away.
Hopefully we are long past those days, and can celebrate the "witch" as a woman of power and strength! Women who are skilled with medicine and growing plants should be prized and encouraged. Let's take a look at the traditional witch outfit - based on the normal, every day clothing worn by the Puritains in the 1600s - and bring fresh energy to it!
Dark Skinned Doll
A special thanks goes to Diane Cipollo, our Digital Art and Design host, for the great work on our dolls!
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