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BellaOnline Nibbly
A classic game to enjoy! You're a happy little worm, and your task is to eat up the apples! The more apples you eat, the longer you get - and you can't run into yourself, or the game is over! The arrow keys do it all.
Note that if the arrow keys make the 'level' change after you hit start, try selecting this text right here with your mouse, to "unchoose" that level dropdown. Then click back into the game area, and start using the arrow keys. That should get it working.
This game runs in an older version of Java - so you might have to click and "OK" button and refresh the screen to see it.
Nibbly High Scores - 555 Points!
Aarion P - 555
Alysha B - 555
Andrew C - 555
Cpl Williams, USMC - 555
Jeremiah H - 555
Joran H - 555
Sarah D - 555
Steve Z - 555
The top score in the game of Nibbly is 555 - it's quite an achievement to get to that level! If you do reach 555, Hit PRINT SCREEN to save your screen to your clipboard, open up your favorite paint program, and do FILE - NEW. Now do EDIT - PASTE to paste the image in. Save the image and email it to The BellaOnline High Score List. Please make sure you have NIBBLY in the email subject line!
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