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BellaOnline Pong - The First Arcade Game
Do you remember the old days of pong? Black and white display, no fancy graphics, just two paddles and one ball. Well, the classic is back! Play for free in our virtual arcade! Use your mouse to move your paddle (the one on the right) up and down. Be sure to keep your mouse within the black area, so the program can detect its movements!
Top 10 Pong High Scores
Keany - 72
Jeremiah - 28
Tnikolich - 28
Dan B - 26
Tobi - 26
I <3 Diane - 25
Jeff M - 23
Helen T - 21
Greg G - 19
Kendall - 18
Got a higher score? Hit PRINT SCREEN to save your screen to your clipboard, open up your favorite paint program, and do FILE - NEW. Now do COPY - PASTE to paste the image in. Save the image and email it to The BellaOnline High Scores List. Please make sure you have PING PONG in the subject of your email message!
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