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BellaOnline Yahtzee - the fun dice game!
Everybody loves Yahtzee! See how well you can do! You will get 13 total sets of rolls. You need to put the total for each of those 13 rolls into one of the indicated boxes. Each box has its own sets of rules for how to count the points. For the 1s box, you only count 1s that you rolled. For the 2s box, you only count the 2s you rolled. Yahtzee only gives you points if you rolled 5 of the same number. Chance will take anything.
Each time you are rolling, you can re-roll up to 2 times. You can "hold" any dice from your initial roll that you want. Click on the dice you want to re-roll. So say you roll 5 5 4 3 1. You could hold the two 5s and re-roll the 4 3 and 1. This time you might get 5 5 5 6 2. Now you would hold the first three 5s and re-roll the 6 and 2. If you're lucky you'll end up with 5 5 5 5 5!!
Top 10 Yahtzee High Scores
699 - Sharon L
681 - Toni
663 - Jennifer O
631 - Kendall
628 - Diana E
623 - Kacy
619 - Barbarella
618 - James S
616 - Paula S
616 - Cynthia T
Did you earn a higher score? Hit PRINT SCREEN to save your screen to your clipboard. Next, open up your favorite paint program, and do FILE - NEW to start a new image going. Now do EDIT - PASTE to paste the image in. Save the image and email it to The BellaOnline High Score List. Please make sure you list YAHTZEE in the subject line of your email message!
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