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First 2 Weeks - Low Carb Reference

by Lisa Shea
If you're getting started in low carb, or know someone who is, this is the book you need. Step by step instructions, background information, plus great recipes!

This 254 page book gives you everything you need to know for those first two weeks of your low carb diet. It explains what you're getting yourself into and how to prepare. It guides you through stocking your pantry, your fridge, and your herb cabinet. It discusses how metabolism works, how fat burns, and how fiber is used.

The book provides detailed information about those first two days where you break your addictions, and the first two weeks.

It provides 83 delicious low carb recipes to get you rolling along the right path, including photos.

A must have for anyone looking to begin a low carb diet!

Perfect for loading onto your smart phone, Kindle, iPad, Nook, or other device to carry with you and have as a constant reference! You can easily check notes and menu ideas while shopping!

PDF viewer note: The PDF is laid out so you're able to print it into a three ring binder if you wish, with the pages falling properly on double-sided printing. To see that same effect in your PDF viewer, first go into View - Page Display - Two Page view in order to have a two-page view with a left and right page. Then use View - Page Display - Show Cover Page so that the initial cover page shows up first and doesn't impact that two page review.

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions! I frequently update all my low carb books based on your recommendations.

REVISED FOR 2014 with more recipes and more examples.

Pages: 254
Price: $2.99 US

Buy First 2 Weeks - Low Carb Reference from Kindle

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