Adolescence Newsletter


June 12 2011 Adolescence Newsletter

Teenage Angst-Land
Adolescence Newsletter from BellaOnline
Volume One, Issue Three
June 8, 2011
Dispatches from Angst-Land

Well, my first week as the Adolescent editor is in the bag. I've had such a good time learning and starting to make the site my own. I so appreciate all of you who have come by and checked things out, too. Thank you so much.

All of this focus on adolescence really has me thinking about my own kids. They're older adolescents, my daughter will be 19 this summer and my son is 17. They're so grown that sometimes I forget they really are still children in many ways. My daughter is heading off to college in the fall—not too far from home, but it will be the first time I haven't lived with her since I was 21 years old. Are any of you dealing with emptying nest syndrome? I still have two at home, and Ruby is only 6 so a real empty nest is still a ways away, but I'm feeling the loss anyway.

Looking forward to another week. I hope you'll stop by the forums or email me and let me know if you think of anything you'd like me to write about.

Shaunta XOXOX

New Articles:

Adolescent Eating Disorders Defined

Between picky eating and a busy schedule, an eating disorder might slip under the radar for a long time. The first step to knowing whether or not your adolescent is a competent eater is understanding what eating disorders are.

What if Your Child is the Bully?

Bullying is big news lately. Anti-bullying campaigns are springing up, celebrities are speaking out against it. Everyone, it seems, is aware of the problem. But what do you do if you find out that your child is the one doing the bullying?

Mama reviews -- Pirates of the Caribbean 4

Pirates of the Caribbean -- On Stranger Tides is the fourth installment in a franchise. It's a swashbuckling adventure film that, while not perfect, isn't a bad way to spend an afternoon. Read more for a Mama Review before your teenager watches it.
Upcoming Features:

I've started a series about adolescent eating disorders and competent eating. Look for articles that describe these, give you signs and symptoms to watch for and offer advise for getting help.

I've also received some really excellent books to review for you. It'll take me some time to read them, but expect at least one book review in the upcoming week—plus an interview with the author about raising teens and tweens with radical optimism. How awesome does that sound?
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I blog everyday about body acceptance and athleticism at Live Once, Juicy ( I hope you'll come by and visit me there as well.

I'm in the midst of an indie publishing experiment as well. Check out ( for information about my upcoming Young Adult steampunk/dystopian novel, Freaks and the Revolution. And visit my Amazon page for information about my current release, a spicy romantic suspense. (That one's just for you!) (
Shaunta Grimes
Adolescence Editor, BellaOnline

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