Birding Newsletter


March 14 2007 Birding Newsletter

Has spring sprung where you are? Snow is melting here in the Canadian prairie, and yesterday I noticed a house sparrow perched at the birdhouse door, checking out the real estate. I'm going to put up a sign, I think: SWALLOWS ONLY!

Here's the latest articles at the Birding Corner at

Goin' down under for this one....

Kiwis – the Bird, not the Fruit
Only once before has the 116 year old Smithsonian National Zoo in Washington, D.C. had the privilege: after 64 days of incubation, a Brown Kiwi chick hatched safely on Feb. 13th, 2007. Hurray for Kiwis!

And here's another...just in time to remind you to put up your nestboxes soon!

Cowbirds Exposed!
You always knew there was a reason to dislike cowbirds even more than you did, now you have the evidence!

Enjoy, and please visit for more Birding inspiration and information.

Kathleen Gibson, Birding Editor

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