Birding Newsletter


May 20 2008 Birding Newsletter

Here's the latest article from the Birding site at

Greetings! I hope everyone's summer is off to a good start. Please feel free to email me at with your questions or comments.

This free newsletter is put out monthly and provides a wealth of information for anybody seeking information on birding.

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Bird Song Identification

Amazon Kindle is A Great Resource for Birding



Listening: A wise old owl sat in an oak. The longer he sat, the less he spoke. The less he spoke, the more he heard. Why can't we be like that wise old bird?


Featured Trip

Punta Gorda, Belize

20% off for packages booked for June through November 15th

Nestled within a diverse habitat, Machaca Hill Lodge offers guests the chance to spot over 100 species in just a few days. An early morning is perfect for sighting flycatchers, parrots, honeycreepers, woodpeckers and tanagers. A short walk down to the Rio Grande River gives birders an opportunity to spot Kingfishers, herons and raptors.

Serious and casual birders alike will appreciate the lodge’s variety of ways to watch birds from canoes, hikes, boats or a poolside lounge chair.

Machaca's packages range from three to seven nights in length starting at under $600. For more information visit their website at


Please forward this newsletter along to a friend!

Malika Harricharan, Birding Host

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