Birding Newsletter


June 7 2007 Birding Newsletter

Hi there Birding Corner Subscriber!

Kathleen again...

Do you ever sit around a kitchen table with friends, swapping bird stories? I had an unexpected evening like that last night, and I still feel uplifted! One can't usually plan those conversations, but I hope you experience that soon, if you haven't already.

For those of you who can't join me in my kitchen, I can still let you in on some of my birding thoughts. I can also share some of my latest research--much of which is new and exciting to me too!

Remember, please, for those who ask, I'm neither biologist nor scientist, merely a writer and researcher who loves birds and information--and loves exchanging information with my readers. Thanks, as always, for your letters. The first of today's articles is a result of one of them.

So here are links to my latest two articles, one to inform, one to inspire. Please visit!

The White-Tailed Eagle
There’s a lot of North American lore and hoop-la surrounding Bald eagles. They deserve every bit of it. But in the shadow of their glory, other eagle species tend to get ignored. The White-Tailed eagle, for instance.

Encountering American White Pelicans
I'd seen pelicans before. But seeing those majestic birds at a distance doesn’t have the same impact as encountering them up close.

More in two weeks. Meanwhile, don't forget to stop by at for more birding info and inspiration.


Kathleen Gibson, Birding Editor

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