Bowling Newsletter


May 10 2007 Bowling Newsletter

Hello Folks:

My nickname is "Chocolate" but most people just call me "Choc," so I've decided to give my newsletter the name, "Choc-Talk." It's a throwback to the days when coaches used to give "Chalk Talks" to their players in the locker rooms. What do you think? I may keep it or not depending on your responses.

This week's article might be aimed at the beginners and novices in the crowd; but, you experienced bowlers may find some hints in it for you. I don't believe in the old adage, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks." Have you watched "The Dog Whisperer," Cesar Milan?, well, he obviously doesn't believe in that saying either. He certainly can teach old dogs new tricks.

The K.I.S.S. Principle
So your interest in the sport of bowling is now beyond the once-in-a-while, recreational past-time and you're ready to take your game to the next level.

Also, another reminder that your bowling forum is located at:

I see a lot of viewings but very few postings. Who will "break the ice?" I am committed to building this site for your benefit and enjoyment; but, without your input, I'm just like a 5-year old throwing the ball down the lane, drifting from side-to-side, bouncing off the bumpers, not knowing if I have enough forward motion to make it all the way to the pins.

Please help us out by passing this information along to family and friends because there are literally hundred's of subjects covered in and who doesn't enjoy learning and gaining knowledge for free?

Clyde Higa, Bowling Editor

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