Bowling Newsletter


July 26 2007 Bowling Newsletter

"I see said the blind man walking down a dark alley at night." Many times, what we think we see is not actually what we perceive it to be. While not mentioned in this week's article, perhaps this theory will be helpful to your participation in other aspects of your life. Read it, test it, and see for yourself if it does. Here's the latest article from the Bowling site at

Eye Suppose
Knowing your dominant eye may help you understand that in order to hit the 10 board, you, personally, have to actually aim for the 8 board. Do you know if your accuracy is being affected by this "dominant eye?"


--I got some eyeglasses and at first, they helped my bowling. Then the prescription ran out.

--Why don't grasshoppers like to go to bowling centers? They prefer Cricket matches, I suppose.

--Bowling is wonderful for the husbands of women bowlers. Most women only have one pair of bowling shoes.

-- The probability of your worst game ever bowled following the best game you've ever bowled increases with the number of people you tell.

--How many vampires does it take to change a light bulb? None, of course. They prefer the dark.

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Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Clyde Higa, Bowling Editor

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