Genealogy Newsletter


January 28 2008 Genealogy Newsletter

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint's Prophet, Gordon B. Hinkley died yesterday around 7 pm. He was 97 years old. His family was by his side. He was the Prophet from 1995-2008.

Prs. Hinkley was very instrumental in the genealogy program within the church. He instructed the computer techs to come up with the new program that is gradually being released know as the New Familysearch.

The LDS biography of him states:

Born in Salt Lake City on June 23, 1910, Gordon B. Hinckley was prepared from his youth to be a prophet. After graduating from the University of Utah, he was called to serve a mission to Great Britain. After he returned, he embarked on a lifetime of service for the Church. He was employed as the executive secretary of the Church Radio, Publicity, and Literature committee, before he was called to be an Apostle in 1961. He was later called to serve as a counselor to President Kimball, President Benson, and President Hunter. Since becoming Church President on March 12, 1995, he has directed the most intense temple building program in the history of the Church in an effort to extend temple blessings to more members. He has exhibited vitality and energy as he has traveled about the world meeting and speaking to members of the Church. Through television interviews and national press publications, he has increased media attention and improved the public image of the Church. He has counseled Church members to fellowship new converts, befriend members of other faiths, live exemplary lives, and avoid the evils of the world.

He will be greatly missed.

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