Genealogy Newsletter


June 20 2006 Genealogy Newsletter

Hi.. I have a few ideas that maybe you can assist me with… If you want to share any of the below ideas, please email me at Genealogy Tips Requested! I am putting together an article to post in the near future on tips related to family history. If you would like to share a tip with us, please email me. Do you have an experience where you broke down that “Brick Wall”? I would love to post on occasion a break through article where brick walls have been broken… Share your story! As I mail out the genealogy newsletter, hundreds of readers are subscribed. I would like to try to help you reach others with similar surnames you may be researching. If you want your name to be featured, email me the Surname, Location and Time Period and any other info. I may need. I am in the process of choosing a Genealogy Magazine to subscribe to. There are so many out there that are wonderful such as “The American Genealogist” (TAG). Is there another one you recommend? Is there a topic you would like to see covered? Email me the topic and I’ll do my best to research and write about it. Thanks for your help in advanced…I hope everyone is able to take some time this summer to do some genealogy research… Take advantage of the family reunions! Don’t forget to write your own history in your Journals! Would love to have you visit the Bellaonline genealogy site at Visit the forum and give me your ideas… Sincerely, Tina Sansone
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