GiftedEducation Newsletter

Gifted Education

November 10 2007 Gifted Education Newsletter

Here's the latest article from the Gifted Education site at

Parents' Guide to IQ Testing and Gifted Education-review
An excellent guide to intelligence testing and gifted education, designed to help parents negotiate the often confusing process of intelligence testing in children

This week in our gifted education forum, readers are talking about holiday gifts for gifted kids. Have you ever heard of a hydrogen powered car? Do you have a great gift idea to share?

Temperatures are dropping in New England, and the first good virus of the season has hit my home. Time to stock up on tissues! Friday nights at our house are reserved for family time. Usually we play board games or watch a movie. Last night, we screened, "The Wizard of Oz", which my two youngest had never before seen. I forget what an amazing film it is. Those flying monkeys still scare me!

Have a wonderful week, and please forward this message to friends and family.

Lorel Shea, Gifted Education Editor

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