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Gifted and Asynchronous
Asynchrony: how does it affect gifted children? How do we deal with a child who is extremely precocious in some ways, but more developmentally normal or even delayed in others?
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Our forum has a new video clip of a man dancing in various locations all over the world. Come join the fun and brush up on your geography!
My two middle children are involved in children's theater this summer. What a great experience for gifted kids! This is my son's third production, and he feels like a veteran already. I am really thrilled to see my introverted daughter coming out of her shell a bit. She told me yesterday that she "loves" acting, and would like to do another play when this one has finished it's run. We do have to drive a bit to get to rehearsals, but this production has no participation fees and is much more intense than a single week long theater "camp".
Stay cool!
Lorel Shea, Gifted Education Editor
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