OnlineServices Newsletter

Online Services

March 11 2012 Online Services Newsletter


Online Services is on Twitter as OnlineFinds. All of the other variations were already taken, so I settled on the name OnlineFinds.

I've recently started posting my "Online Find of the Day" which is a special or freebie I've found online. Whenever I have a new article, I'll post an update.

Follow @OnlineFinds

Here are the latest articles from the Online Services Site:

Buying Glasses Online Review

Eyeglasses are an item I never considered ordering online until I looked at the $200 frames offered by the eye doctor's office. Since I had not factored this expense into my budget, I decided to explore the available online options and was pleasantly surprised.

Get a Disposable Email Address Prevent Spam

Combat spammers and protect your privacy by using a disposable email address. Find out what type of service suits you. Here are over 20 sites that offer disposable addresses to help you navigate the web and limit access to your real email.

Find a Food Bank - Food Pantry

If you or someone you know is dealing with hunger, here is a list of online resources that will help you find food pantries, food banks and food closets that will help you with your food needs.

Pass this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Kim Lynch, Online Services Editor
Online Services
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