Hi fellow quilters, it’s that time again – time to catch up with you and have a natter.
I’m continuing the newsletter series of inexpensive gift ideas for your quilting friends. This week I’m going to tell you about a gift I make often for my quilting friends – something to give a quilter who has everything!
My gift this week is called Pocket Insert Display Book Cover (very technical, sorry about that!)
Firstly you need to purchase a Pocket Insert Display Book, usually found at quality stationery shops. They usually have 10-20 plastic sheets inside a spirally bound plastic cover. Great for storing free patterns printed from the internet. (Copyright rules observed…. Naturally!)
Open out the Pocket Insert Display Book and measure the width and length. Add 2” to each measurement. We will call this the cover fabric measurement (CVM).
You will need:
1 piece of fabulous patchwork fabric cut to the CVM you have ascertained. Let’s call this (Piece A)
1 piece of flannel (white) cut to the CVM you have ascertained. Let’s call this (Piece B)
1 piece of matching lining for cut to the CVM you have ascertained. Let’s call this (Piece C)
Machine thread, needle
¼” walking foot for your sewing machine
Firstly, lay Piece A on the sewing table with right side facing upwards towards you.
Then, lay Piece C on top of Piece A, with right side facing the right side of Piece A.
Finally, lay Piece B layer onto the top of the first two layers.
With your sewing machine, sew a ½” seam around the four sides of the three layers, leaving a 2” opening so you can turn these layers to the right side, to create an enclosed cover. (This is called bagging).
Stitch the opening closed with invisible stitches, using thread and needle.
With the cover right side up, fold back the sides of the cover about 1 ½ “, creating the sleeve for the document to slip into. Using thread and needle, top stitch the top of the turned over piece. Do likewise to the other three sleeves. Then flip the sides out to the right side.
There, now you have a lovely fabric cover for the Pocket Insert Display Book Cover.
I have obtained free block patterns or Stitchery patterns that are found on the net, and place these into the pockets for my quilting friend. Makes a great gift that will last.
I’m sure you have some great inexpensive ideas for making Secret Santa gifts for quilters. Would you mind sharing them with a few others? Please go to the Forum site and add to the list of great ideas. Here’s the link:
My most recent article on the BellaOnline Quilting website, is a Book Review of Sandra Meeches, “Contemporary Quilts : Design, Surface and Stitch”. This book is a fantastic workbook instructing the new comer to art quilts, with all the ins and outs of the skills of design, surface and stitch embellishment. To read this book review and a selection of my articles please go to http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art10157.asp
So till next time have fun quilting!
Cheerio for now
Judie Bellingham
Editor, Quilting, BellaOnline