Hello there, a few days late this week, please accept my apologies. I’m battling a bout of asthma at present and have just about got a handle on it. I don’t get if often, but sometimes I get it big time. I do hope this newsletter finds your all feeling well and on top of things. It is frustrating I know, when you are a busy person, but your health has other ideas. I guess there’s a lot of readers out there that can identify with that!!
I know this is a very busy time of year, the lead up to the crazy season, and we all tend to stretch ourselves a little too far at times. Try to take some time for yourselves during this next 6 weeks or so. A little time out doing something for “you” is very important so you can give more to “yours”.
Ok enough soppiness (that’s the steroids speaking LOL!); I’ve got a daughter and son-in-law currently travelling in Europe on an 8 week tour using the Euro-Rail network. They’re having a blast and really enjoying themselves after both working so hard to complete Masters Degrees in 2011. I’m so proud of them both. It’s great catching up with them through Facebook.
One of the pluses of Facebook and sites like it, I think, is that I can follow my D and SIL on their journey, see their photos and know that they’re safe each day. Just a little thing, but that helps this worrier.
Last Sunday I posted, with permission from Vivienne Pender, a great poem about the her discovery of the craft of patchwork and quilting. I think it’s very good and you might too. Here’s the link to that article: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art174029.asp
The forum has had some action since last week. Hello to Sally G, Brenda and Dewdrop38 and also to Jass in Luxemburg who wrote to me via the email address. It’s so good to hear about where you guys are from. It’s a wonderful forum, and I’m please there are readers who are happy to be using it.
You can post an item anytime, just pop on the forum and have a go. Here’s the link to the forums: http://forums.bellaonline.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=postlist&Board=43
So onto my little distractions for this week. I’ve been laid up but have had a chance to go surfing, hope you like my finds:
http://bustleandsew.blogspot.com/2010/11/my-christmas-gift-to-you.html very sweet for Christmas
http://appliquetoday.blogspot.com/2011/01/and-bag-is-done.html a great bag with appliqué.
http://craftsnob.com/2011/02/polly-make-fabric-flowers/ cute little bow flowers for your gift wrapping.
http://www.thatgirlthatquilt.com/2011/02/rounded-quilt-corners-bias-binding.html A rounded quilt corners using bias tutorial
http://almastoller.blogspot.com/2011/02/how-to-make-pincushion-ring.html another pincushion only this one is a ring.
http://sewmamasew.com/blog2/?p=15139 these are called hussifs here in Oz, but they’re useful the world over
http://www.jmddesigns.co.nz/tutorials/quilt_thread_tutorial.htm using embroidery floss to quilt – it’s very effective
http://loftcreations.blogspot.com/2010/12/fleece-dog-toy-tutorial.html something for the doggie in your life
Well dear friends, that’s all from me this week. I hope to be up and running at full steam next newsletter. In the meantime, have a happy week.
Cheerio for now
Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor
One of hundreds of sites at BellaOnline.com