Quilting Newsletter


November 26 2013 Quilting Newsletter

Hello to all, its early morning here, the dawn birds are calling right across the valley and heralding another beautiful day. We have a sort of avian routine to the morning here. As the sun comes up the kookaburras get the giggles and start to laugh the sun up, and the native parrots and lorikeets commence their chatter, as if continuing from the conversation the night before.

We also have a squadron of psychotic plovers who do a recognisance of the valley, shrieking their manic message to all. Just one lap of the valley and then we don’t hear from them for the rest of the day. (l like to think of plovers as being a little loopy – what other bird squawks so hard and frightens itself?).

I’ve been busy this week making some “quilters gifts” for a class I’m going to be teaching on Norfolk Island next October. I need to make these so they can be photographed to advertise the class. So far I’ve made a thread keeper and a scissors keeper, need to think of three more items that are easily made over two days and are completely hand sewn. Does anyone have any ideas for me? Please drop me an email at quilting@bellaonline.com , I’ll be very grateful. I’ve taught on Norfolk twice before, but this time, I’m hoping to take my three sisters with me for a “sisterhood” week. Can’t wait!

Last week I posted an article about A Soldiers Child Foundation, which is an organisation that supports the children of fallen soldiers in the US. It’s a great organisation, very professionally run and they are in desperate need of young adult quilts for their “sponsored children” who age out of the program at aged 18. The quilt is a farewell gift from the organisation. Here’s a link to that article: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art182067.asp.

I’ve put a subject on the forum about making quilts for people in need, if you’d like to contribute please do. Thank you in anticipation. Here’s the link: http://forums.bellaonline.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=postlist&Board=43.

I have some interesting and fascinating items for your goody list today please enjoy.

http://craftygemini.blogspot.com/2011/05/how-to-make-fabric-basketbowl-tutorial.html a fabric bowl using clothes line cotton tubing

http://www.designsbyloftcreations.com/2010/01/while-abby-sleeps.html another string pieced tutorial

http://www.annkelle.com/handmade-holidays-coasters/ Coasters anyone?

http://www.gwennypenny.com/2011/04/out-to-eat-place-mat-tutorial.html an eat out place mat – great idea

http://www.noodle-head.com/2011/03/241-tote-pattern.html this is a little different kinda tote


http://www.craftinessisnotoptional.com/2010/01/crib-booktoy-holder-tutorial.html a crib tote

http://artthreads.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/wednesday-sewing-crazy-quilt-potholders.html crazy quilt pot holders - only for those crazy enough to use them

http://enpundit.com/sidewalk-chalk-art/ amazing, watch your step

http://woolnsails.blogspot.com.au/2012/08/wedding-pillow-finished.html a wedding ring pillow to embroider

http://madmim.com/strapping-stick-horse-diy/ every child should have one of these

Oh my, I think I might have given you a few more than usual! I hope you find something of interest amongst the goodies that I send each week. I do try to cater for all.

I must away, and get the day going. I hope this newsletter arrives at a convenient time, and that you can get some stitching done during your busy week. Till next time,
Cheerio for now

Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor

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