Hello all, just popping my head through the door to say hello and leave some fun stuff for you to browse through at your leisure over the next week.
For those who celebrate Christmas, it’s almost here and I guess most of you have organised your day. For those who don’t I hope you enjoy the holiday season.
I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned that it’s a non event for us this year as our offspring are spread far and wide. So MD and I will spend it quietly at home. Nothing wrong with that I say. I have all the presents wrapped and ready for delivery when people return from their break and holidays.
I’ve managed to get a little sewing done recently and am very pleased with the results. I’m experimenting with a quilt design and so far so good. I tend to be my own worst enemy when it comes to quilting. I don’t particularly like following someone else’s pattern, so always go off on a tangent. That of course necessitates some problem solving on my part, but I think this is the part I particularly enjoy. Anyway, I’m pretty sure it helps to be slightly twisted in the sanity department and well, if the hat fits…..
I’ve been madly reviewing books that I receive from time to time and last week I reviewed a terrific publication from Leisure Arts titled Building Blocks for Classic Quilts. Here’s the link to that article: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art174287.asp
Not much happening on the forum, but thanks to Supergran, !glee59*, clmharper and Venita for contributing to our question about what you were making for Christmas presents. I guess the rest of my reader’s flat out busy making stuff!! Well done everyone.
Well, onto my goodies for you for this week. I’m going to add a few extra, because you might have some more time on your hands this week. So I do hope you enjoy them.
http://mousechirpy-polkadotpineapple.blogspot.com/2010/02/fleur-de-marguerite.html really cute flowers for your vase
http://www.themotherhuddle.com/tutorial-waterproof-park-blanket/ a waterproof picnic blanket, also good for changing the baby on.
http://www.modabakeshop.com/2011/02/charming-wine-gift-bags.html A wine bottle carrier to personalize
http://luxquilt.blogspot.com/search/label/blossom%20pincushion have a guess what this is?
http://spoonfullofsugargirls.blogspot.com/2011/03/tutorial-gathered-round-basket.html A gathered round basket
http://sew4home.com/projects/storage-solutions/850-spring-clean-a-tidy-week-sofa-caddy great idea to keep those remotes in check!
http://www.craftbits.com/project/bean-bag-frog-plushie this is an oldie, but a goodie.
http://www.bijoulovelydesigns.com/2011/03/herringbone-block-tutorial.html great tutorial on making the herringbone block
http://rocaandcompany.blogspot.com/2011/10/drapery-fabric-note-card-tutorial.html notecards from drapery fabric swatches
http://www.stellarmother.com/2011/11/christmas-patchwork-stocking-from.html I love the frugal message this sends
http://www.unplggd.com/unplggd/organizing/label-cords-at-both-ends-for-maximum-organization-145848?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+apartmenttherapy%2Funplggd+%28Unplggd%29 not patchwork, but great for saving a quilters sanity!!
Well my dear friends, that is all from me for this week. I do hope you are coping with the time of the year. For some I know this time is full of excitement and delight, and for others it is a time of sadness and regret, and can be a tough time to get through. I’ll be thinking of all of you over the next week, when I will again, pop in to say hello.
Cheerio for now
Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor
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