Hello everyone, it’s a beautiful sunny day today after so much rain. But we’ve been told that the long range forecasters are predicting a very wet summer for us this year, with the pretty good chance of a few cyclones (hurricanes for those in the northern hemisphere) for good measure. So I guess that means I’ll be getting lots of quilting done!!
We don’t usually get a full blown cyclone here in Brisbane, but we can suffer from the aftermath- with huge lows pressures sitting above the city for weeks on end, dumping feet and feet of water. Will need to check my toes from time to time to make sure they’ve not become webbed!!
I had the great pleasure of attending the latest valuation day at Queensland Quilters on Tuesday. We had 15 quilts to value. I’m not a valuer; I just help with holding the quilts up, and a bit of administration. I really love these days – I get to see the most wonderful quilts up close and personal, and I’ve learnt a lot about finishing quilts. I can thoroughly recommend you get involved with your state guild or local guild – whilst volunteering you learn so much about the art of quilting.
Last week, I posted an article that addressed the issue of Quilt as You Go technique. I had a request from a reader to explain the QAYG process. I went surfing and found a number of very good tutorials, both video and written explaining the various techniques ( and there’s a multitude of them) of Quilt as You Go. You might find these sites useful. Here’s the link: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art4993.asp
This morning I have posted a request from a reader, from Houston Texas, to see if there’s anyone out there who would be prepared to make a quilt from men’s ties. I have her details, so if you think you might be able to help, please pop over to the forum and let me know. I’ll pass your details onto the reader. Here’s the link to that request: http://forums.bellaonline.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/648541#Post648541
Now, onto my little gifties for you this week. I’ve been surfing up a storm this week, sourcing interesting stuff for you to enjoy. Have fun!
http://weefolkart.com/?q=node/250 delightful appliqué patterns from Wee Folk Art
http://www.merrimentdesign.com/recycled-fabric-napkin-rings-from-saran-wrap-tubes.php these look gorgeous on your dining table, and yet, so simple an idea
http://www.modabakeshop.com/2009/08/scruffily-quilt.html a nice simple quilt to make, and great instructions
http://obsessivelystitching.blogspot.com/2010/06/rubiks-cube-ottoman.html Make your own Rubik Cube ottoman
http://www.thetraintocrazy.com/tutorial-hooded-beach-towel-backpack.html absolutely fabulous idea - get sewing grannies, this is a beauty!! And I love this website title “The Train to Crazy”.
http://u-handbag.typepad.com/uhandblog/2010/06/bag-making-for-newbies-part-3-machine-needle-knowhow.html a little bit of theory about needles.
http://happybabydesigns.blogspot.com/2010/05/fabric-rack.html hmmm I need one of these! What a great idea for storing fabric that you’re currently sewing with.
http://www.merrimentdesign.com/handsewn-fabric-tea-bags-for-loose-tea-favors.php Handmade tea bag, what a great idea!
http://obsessivelystitching.blogspot.com/2010/04/first-quilt-ever.html this is a great tutorial for the Disappearing Nine Patch pattern which is very popular at present
http://tlcstitches.blogspot.com/2010/07/faux-piped-binding-tutorial.html I like this alternative finish for quilts.
Well, that’s all folks, for now. Christmas is fast approaching and for those who celebrate, I hope you’re time line is looking good. Best wishes to all for the week ahead, keep some time for you and your quilting, it’s vital!!
Cheerio for now
Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor
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