Hello again, another week has flown by. I’ve been watching the catastrophes that have been occurring around the globe – in the US, massive ice storms and in England, amazing flooding. It’s very hard to relate to that when you’re sitting in 105 degree Fahrenheit (37 degree Celsius) from 11:00am in the morning till 4:00pm in the afternoon!
When I am in my sewing room, I listen to the radio. My darling set up our sound system and computer so I can listen to any radio station from around the world that streams on the net. Well, my favourite station is Seaside FM in Halifax Nova Scotia.
The music is great and there’s not a lot of talking (especially during the day here in Oz, as it’s night time in Halifax and so they play continually throughout the night.) I am amused though, to hear the weather forecasts.
You really need to have your brains in gear to get all the information they pump out, every 20mins or so. There’s wind chill factor, gale force wind calibrated in numbers and so much else going on. Here in Brisbane, the weather man says – “hot & sunny 37 degrees C”. End of story!! LOL
Last week I posted my article and it a review of a new book called Cute Quilts for Kids. Here’s the link to that review. http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art182671.asp
I have collected some interesting little vignettes for you this week. Sometimes I will come across tutorials that are in another language. Just click on Google Translate (or whichever translate software you have installed on your computer) and it will automatically be translated into your first language. Have fun!
http://twinfibers.blogspot.com.au/2010/10/floral-medallion-blocks-template.html really like these appliqué blocks
http://matadornetwork.com/trips/75-places-so-colorful-its-hard-to-believe-theyre-real-pics/ Take your time with this one, maybe even bookmark it to come back to. Absolutely FOOD FOR THE SOUL!!
http://www.adventuresofadiymom.com/2012/12/no-sew-fleece-blanket.html I’ve had this no new fleece blanket before – it’s very popular
http://myhomespunthreads.blogspot.com.au/2009/07/diy-non-slip-covered-hanger-tutorial.html a great way to chic up the wire coat hanger
http://www.folkfibers.com/pages/special-projects all these quilts are made or include fabric that were originally Levi jeans
http://alicias-hiding-place.blogspot.ca/2012/05/alfiletero-de-catarina.html?m=0 a pretty pincushion (click on Google translate and you’ll get the instructions in English!)
http://exuberantcolor.blogspot.com.au/p/4-patches-double-4-patches.html Here’s some gorgeous quilts made using 4 patches.
http://www.purlbee.com/the-purl-bee/2014/1/12/mollys-sketchbook-felted-wool-hot-water-bottle-cover.html for those in cooler climes – this might warm the cockles of your heart!
http://www.instructables.com/id/Handmade-Hobby-Horse/ a hobby horse – not one to talk about, one to make for the littlies
http://www.instructables.com/id/Hands-free-book-pillow/ This will work for a book and an iPad I imagine
That’s all I have for you this week. I do hope this email finds you well, wherever you are in the world, and that you have a little time during the week to get some quilting done!
Cheerio for now
Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor
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