Quilting Newsletter


February 2 2010 Quilting Newsletter

Hi everyone, it’s been very windy and squally here over the past few weeks. We’ve had two cyclones buzzing us and bring much needed rain to the bush. I’m out of sorts with my washing routine and I really hate that. I’m very much a routine kinda gal and like certain things to happen on certain days! A bit old fashioned you might think, but I find that being “organised” gives me more time to do the things I really want to do, such as quilting!

I attended the bimonthly quilt valuation day yesterday. We valued eight quilts and it was a great day for learning. There’s so much to consider when having a quilt valued and it’s always interesting to see how other quilters finish their quilts. I’ve had several quilts valued, especially prior to going into a quilt show. No matter how hard organisers work, the unfortunate incident when a quilt gets damaged is a reality, so I think it pays to insure against something like that happening to your creation.

Last week I wrote the first of the series “Basic Block Plus….” Which is a new series I’ve started, offering traditional block designs and instructions for a 12” block. That’s the Basic Block part and the plus… bit is the same block but with the cutting instructions for 6”, 8” and 10” as well as the 12” measurements. I hope to make this into a series that you can come back to over and over and one that will help particularly beginners who want a certain block in a certain measurement. I hope you enjoy the series; I’ll be posting new blocks from time to time. If you have a particular block you’d like me to present, just drop me an email through the Quilting home page, or perhaps you’d like to pop onto the forum and ask through that link. Here’s the link to the first article in the Basic Block Plus…. Series: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art3057.asp

The link to the forum where you can ask a question is here: http://forums.bellaonline.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/582495#Post582495

Now, onto my gifts for you this week. I surf from time to time on lots of quilting sites and I found the following which I thought you might find useful and interesting!!
http://sewtakeahike.typepad.com/sewtakeahike/2009/10/a-little-help-from-my-friends-string-quilt-tutorial.html Gorgeous scrappy strippy quilt tutorial
http://tawnykw.blogspot.com/2009/10/how-to-braided-rope-rug.html Braided Rope Rug
http://kleiosbelly.wordpress.com/2010/01/06/christmas-prezzies-7-finale/ Car play mat
Well, that’s all from me this week. I love popping in to say hello each week. I hope this newsletter finds you getting on with the business of life, and managing it with a great big smile!!! Take care, till next week; don’t forget to have fun quilting
Cheerio for now

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