Hi quilters, another seven days has come and gone, so here’s another Quilters Quarters Newsletter just for you.
What a screamer of a week I’ve just experienced. I was asked to tutor a group of quilters about 400kms away (250 miles), to teach a color workshop and give a copyright talk. No problem, do it often.
Problem was that the temperature soared to 40 °C (degrees Celsius) or 104 °F (degrees Fahrenheit) and the venue wasn’t air conditioned!! I can’t remember ever being so hot. Unfortunately my complexion is one of those that goes BRIGHT RED when hot and flustered and I looked like I was about to explode. Not a good look I can assure you.
Regardless of the heat it was a great day, everyone learnt heaps (including me) and the best part was the pool waiting for me back at the hotel. I alighted from the car, walked directly to the pool and submerged myself, clothes and all. It was something at 51 years old, I would never do normally and it felt great. Nothing like doing something out of the ordinary now and then. Keeps you on your toes!! It’s called being mercurial. Oh! and a bonus is that it drives your kids nuts!!
My article this week is probably on a similarly nutty footing. It’s a poem I’ve kept in my collection for a very long time. The author is unknown so I’m unable to attribute it. If you know who the author is, please let me know. so I can set the record straight. This poem somewhat mirrors my relationship with my DH (darling husband) to a tee. (tee tee!!) Here’s the link to this weeks article: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art23992.asp
Thanks to all those contributors to my forum subjects, it’s a real treat for me to hear from you and know that you’re interested in what I’ve got to say! Here’s the link to read the latest forum conversations:
I’m excited to say that since I began writing as the Editor for Quilting on BellaOnline last October 2007, 400+ readers have become new subscribers to the Quilters Quarters newsletter. Thanks for your vote of confidence. I hope I can continue to inform and entertain you during your quilting journey.
My gift to you this week are the easy instructions to make a tassel. I made these (25 of them) to hang from the bottom of a very Middle Eastern looking wallhanging I created and they looked great! I call it Tick Tack Tassel (because it takes as long to make as it takes to win a game of tic tac toe!)
You need:
2” x 4” (or wider) cardboard rectangle
2 x skeins of embroidery floss
1 x tapestry needle
• Draw and cut out a 2” x 4” rectangle in cardboard
• Using one skein of floss, wrap around the cardboard across the 2” span
• Cut about 10” of floss and thread the tapestry needle with all 6 strands
• Slip needle under the wrapped floss and pull through to form a loop.
• Unthread the needle and draw up the tying threads and tie off.
• Cut the tassel at the bottom of the template. This will be neatened off later.
• Thread the tapestry needle with floss measuring 18” long. Using contrasting thread (using all 6 stands), wrap around the tassel at neck point, very tightly, catching in the beginning of thread.
• Pulling the neck thread so tight, begin a buttonhole stitch at neck point, holding the tassel part in the left hand.
• Work gradually around using the buttonhole method. If you need to finish your thread, take the needle through the bulbous piece at the top of the tassel. Start your next piece by bringing it up through the bulbl. This will hide any knots. Continue in this manner until the entire bulb is covered.
• You can also use beading to cover the bulb, in the same manner threading a bead on before the buttonhole stitch.
Cheerio for now, stay happy and well, keep those hands busy and have fun quilting.
Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor
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