Good morning all, it’s Wednesday again and I hope you can find some time to pour yourself a cuppa and sit and have a quick catch up.
I love my cups of tea, I probably have 4 day, and each and everyone is savoured. My darling likes tea in a pot using tea leaves and so we have a pot after each meal. But during the day, I just have a tea bag and I enjoy it just the same as a pot. I’m no tea purist; I just know that it makes a difference to my mood.
I don’t drink coffee at all, never have. Although I love the smell, can’t stand the bitterness of the taste. When I was a young lassie in high school, I worked part time at a café. I learnt how to make cappuccinos and was told that I made a good coffee. Alas, as much as I tried I couldn’t stand the taste.
Funny isn’t it, how each of us has different tastes to others. I often wonder why I dislike the taste of coffee, yet my sister hates the taste of bananas and a friend can’t stand the taste of popcorn! I guess this just highlights that even though we all belong to the human race, each one of the 7 billion souls living on this planet is unique. (Goodness, don’t know what started that navel gazing – I think I need a cuppa!!).
Last week I went surfing and posted an article with links to lots and lots of tutorials and videos about Machine Quilting. There’s a bucket load of stuff on the web, and I’ve really only scratched the surface. I’ve tried to be succinct on my descriptions to help you as you browse. Here’s the link:
Lots of chat on the forum this week, I’m really starting to enjoy the conversations we’re having. Here’s a link to the forums if you’d like to join us. Remember, you can start a topic off if you wish; I just moderate things as we go along, and unless you choose something that is completely off topic, it will be most welcome on the quilting forum. Here’s the link:
So, onto my offerings for this week. Lots of interesting stuff, and thanks so those that have sent in ideas for links. I really do appreciate it. Have fun! a fantastic BOM for 2013 – all about the Lord of the Rings. (Thanks Bonnie) for the littlies when they are supa chefs! OK, this really proves I’ve got too much time on my hands. Ever left a bookmark in a borrowed book? Well, looky here!! love these chic glamma gloves fabric stash organisation and the winner is.......... A great tutorial me thinks a great idea for classy travel I like this little pincushion – very creative here’s some medical advice for knitters and crocheters who tend to over stitch!! just love this jigsaw quilt for baby lots of uses for recycled ties we have lots of student musicians out there – could make a great gift!
Well, dear quilters, I must away and get on with my busy day. I’m out all day today – stitching and playing Mah-jong with a friend this morning and then my Sisters of Stitch group in the afternoon. Sure, it’s all play today, but tomorrow I dust!!
If you’d like to be in touch, here’s my email:
Speak with you next week, till then, stay well and take care,
Cheerio for now
Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor
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