Quilting Newsletter


March 13 2013 Quilting Newsletter

Hi everyone, I hope this newsletter finds you well and happy. We’ve had an odd week just past. We’ve been having trouble with our internet connection, and it has been very slow and sometimes nonexistent for about a week. I have phoned through to the provider twice and have had to wait several days for a technician to come out to see what the problem is. In that time, we’ve had no or very little internet, and it frustrates me no end that it is so slow. So I’ve just stayed off the computer. I thought I might go nuts not being able to connect every day, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised how I’ve coped and been able to do other things.

Naturally I’ve been sewing. My girlfriend Di has recently had her first grandchild and so we organised some time and put a quilt together for her little boy. We had lots of fun and laughs and the quilt is currently at Di’s and she’s finishing off the binding. We used a very simple pattern, but it looks fabulous. I’ll make it up for you over the next few weeks and then post it for you on the website. I’ve also finished a cushion top that I’ve designed in Hardanger. It was fun to do, and as always, no pattern for me, just blundering along till I was happy with it. There’s a couple of photos on my blog if you’d like to see it: http://whenlifehandsyouscraps.blogspot.com.au/

In the non computing time I also managed to do some cleaning. We’ve had so much rain; a lot of the woodwork on the outside of the house has become very grubby so I’ve been cleaning paint surfaces. Oh, and I’ve washed windows too! I must be careful – my halo just might choke me!! LOL.

I did manage to post an article on Sunday and this one was all about machine quilting and how we’ve come so far since the days of hand quilting only being acceptable by the “Quilt Police”. Here’s the link: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art179874.asp

Over at the forum I’ve started a conversation about International Quilt Day 2013 which is celebrated on 16th March (in just a few days). I’m wondering if you’ve planned to do anything on that day to mark the occasion. Pop over to the forum and let us know what’s happening in your neck of the woods. Here’s the link: http://forums.bellaonline.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/810958#Post810958

And so onto my little gifts for you this week. I hope you enjoy them.

http://deliacreates.blogspot.com.au/2010/05/chore-dice.html here’s a great idea for achieving pain free chores activities

http://verykerryberry.blogspot.co.uk/2011/12/friendship-pillow-tutorial.html a great foundation piecing tutorial

http://www.easierthanithought.com/2012/11/fitted-tablecloth-for-play-table.html this fitted tablecloth can solve some potential spillage problems when toddlers are at play

http://www.nickyperryman.co.uk/wild-about-poppies/ hang on to your hat – here’s some machine embroidery eye candy!!

a pretty sunflower pin cushion

http://retro-mama.blogspot.com.au/2011/10/home-for-holidays.html gorgeous little softie houses

http://buzzingandbumbling.blogspot.com.au/2011/04/making-faces-tutorial.html a great tutorial on making faces look believable.

http://ginghamcherry.blogspot.com.au/2009/05/teabag-tag-tutorial-i-love-alliteration.html teabag treats to make as gifts

http://patspattering.blogspot.com.au/search/label/Tutorial%3A%20Disappearing%209-Patch here’s a different way for using the disappearing nine patch

Well dear quilters, that’s all from me this week. Stay busy and on top of things and I’ll pop in again next week.

Cheerio for now

Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor

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