Hello again, how are you today? I do hope all is well at your place. I’ve had a very busy sewing week and have achieved much. I’ve made loads and loads of bias binding that we use on the bibs for nursing homes. The homes give us their old towels that are no longer useful for the bathroom, and we recycle them into bibs for clothing protection during meals.
I’ve also put together about 12 quilt backs for quilt tops that will go to Diane, one of our volunteer long arm quilters. Diane does a marvellous job for us and always with a smile and easy going manner. And then I’ve also put together some smaller preemie quilts with pretty fabrics I have at hand. A very successful week where I’ve achieved much.
My guild quilt show is in October so I need to spend some time putting together a few quilts for the show. That’s my plan for March! I truly believe that as a member of a quilt guild, it is my responsibility to make sure that I enter my share of quilts to help make the show a success.
I don’t make quilts to win (although it's nice when it happens) – it’s all about having a lovely full colourful show for the public to appreciate, and to attract new members to the guild. I like to try my hand at something new, to have a challenge at the same time. I’ll keep you posted with my progress.
Last week I posted a review on a complimentary eBook I’ve received from Leisure Arts titled “Baby It’s You” and here’s the link for you: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art182786.asp
Here’s the link to the forum if you’d like to contribute to the conversation: http://forums.bellaonline.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=postlist&Board=43
And so onto my little pressies for you this week. Have fun!
http://thevillagehaberdashery.co.uk/blog/2012/free-pattern-ruths-hot-water-bottle-cosy a hotty pattern simple pincushion
http://artgalleryfabrics.typepad.com/weblog/2013/03/fat-quarter-gang-prism-jumbo-floor-pillow-by-freshly-pieced.html I like this pattern – I think it would make a nice quilt
http://www.diaryofaquilter.com/2010/12/super-easy-superhero-cape-tutorial.html back when my kids were little, we used to rip up an old sheet
http://www.diaryofaquilter.com/2010/12/felt-circle-pillow-tutorial.html here’s an effective cushion cover with a real modern look
http://www.ohsoprettythediaries.com/2013/12/diy-pouf-zippy-pouch.html here’s a cute little zipper pouch tutorial
http://www.patchworkposse.com/wp-content/uploads/oisforowlquiltpattern.pdf the cutest little owlie wall hanging
http://filminthefridge.com/2012/02/23/converging-corners-block-a-tutorial/ an interesting pattern focussing on corners
http://quiltinspiration.blogspot.com.au/search?q=rainbow&updated-max=2010-04-29T06:48:00-07:00&max-results=20 here’s some real quilt eye candy to enjoy,…. Yum yum!
http://www.sew4home.com/projects/kitchen-linens/toddlers-laminated-cotton-project-apron a pretty little apron for crafty kids
And so I must away dear readers. Take some time during the next week out of your busy schedule to spend a little “me” time and get some stitching done – it’s soooo good for the soul!
Cheerio for now
Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor
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