Hello everyone, the rain continues here this week, with squally winds and driving rain, then sunny muggy and humid periods. Typical wet season. As a result, a little more sewing gets done, and of course, less housework. I long to throw all the windows open and air the house out, but the blustery rains can sneak up on you and soak the carpet in a trice! I see on the other side of the equator, there’s horrible snow storms and extremely inclement weather going on there too! The grass is always greener…..
I had a lovely day yesterday at our Sisters of Stitch group that meets at the local library. We have a number of quiet little achievers that go about their craft without much fanfare, creating the most wonderful items. One such girl is Robyn, whom I’ve known for some time now, through various guilds and groups. Robyn is a very quiet lady, but boy, her incredible creativity is big, and I mean BIG! She is what is called a Porcelain Doll maker and she specialises in making tiny knitted and beaded outfits for her dolls. Robyn makes these half dolls with gorgeous gowns, but I especially love her little babies (you know me, anything that is tiny).
These dolls are simply beautiful and yesterday she bought us some twins that she has recently made. The little baby’s faces are so life like and their outfits are delightful. You can hold them in the cup of your hand, they’re so cute. I took a couple of photos for you (with Robyn’s permission of course), and I thought you might like to see them. Here’s the link to my blog so you can see the photos: http://whenlifehandsyouscraps.blogspot.com.au/
Last Sunday I went surfing and found a bunch of easy to read, free patterns for making baby shoes. Here’s the link to that article: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art179774.asp . I hope you can find a pattern that you’d like to make.
So onto my little goodies for this week, have fun!
http://www.fandominstitches.com/2011/06/seam-magic.html adding seam allowances - a great tutorial
http://buzzingandbumbling.blogspot.com.au/2011/09/easy-3-d-starburst-tutorial.html a simple star embellishment makes all the difference to this quilt.
http://ginghamcherry.blogspot.com.au/2009/04/happy-earth-day-with-recycled-teacup.html a tea cup pincushion – I’m in heaven
http://featheredfibers.wordpress.com/2008/01/06/how-to-quilt-freehand-feathers/ free machine or hand quilting tutorial of feathers
http://scrapnstitch.blogspot.com.au/2009/01/button-necklace-tutorial.html such a great use of old buttons
treatmenttutorial.html great finishing technique for fabric postcards
http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/yarn-stash-storage-solutions-a-crafting-quandary-unraveled-165561 I know there are a lot of quilters out there who like to knit and crochet. Here are some storage ideas.
http://badskirt.blogspot.com.au/2010/05/tutorial-finishing-you-hexie-quilts.html#!/2010/05/tutorial-finishing-you-hexie-quilts.html finishing off a hexagon quilt – great ideas
Well, dear quilters, that’s me done for this week. I hope this newsletter finds you well and getting on with the business of getting on. I send a special cheerio to all those who aren’t feeling very well today – I hope you’ll be improving in no time, and back to your old self again very soon.
I send you all a telepathic HUG ************************************************.
Cheerio for now
Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor
Email: quilting@bellaonline.com
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