Quilting Newsletter


May 27 2010 Quilting Newsletter

Hello quilters, I’m just popping in for a brief chat, hope all’s well at your place. I’ve been on the run again this week, but that sort of suits me I think. I’m not one for sitting around waiting for something to happen, nor do I think are any of my readers. Quilters are not quitters, that’s for sure and we always find something to fill that nano-second!!!

I’ve been involved in the launch of a new council initiative “Saviour of the Lost Arts” and it’s been a fantastic experience to say the least. On Monday I gave a small talk on how I set the Sisters of Stitch group up. I discussed topics such as the motivation for such a group, the philosophy of the group, the day to day running of the group and where we see ourselves in the next 12 months. I had some great feedback from those in the audience, and I think I might post an article here in the next few weeks about setting up a craft group.

Anyway, I helped facilitate an evening workshop for the “young, working craft wannabies”, those young people who have not yet been bitten by the crafting bug. I had a blast, an absolute hoot. It’s a pure joy to be teaching young adults. These girls (and boy) were excited at the prospect of learning something new and delighted in the sensation of doing something lovely with their hands. I suspect that a number of these young people hadn’t had the opportunity to indulge in creative craft on any level and they simply soaked it up. I’d love to do more of these types of classes. It’s absolutely food for my soul. So back to earth…….

I posted the article in the Variations of Pure Color – Shades last week and have received some very encouraging feedback. 2010 sees me presenting Color Theory for Quilters with a number of useful articles. I hope you’ve found them interesting. Here’s the link to the latest article. http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art8862.asp

I’m now going to write on the variations of color schemes and explain how they can be used. Keep your eyes peeled for those, coming up in the next month or so.

It’s been quiet on the forum front, don’t forget to use that forum if you have a query you want to share with the readers of Bellaonline Quilting. If you don’t wish to use the public forum, don’t hesitate to write me an email and I’ll do my best to help. The email prompt is on the right had side of the opening page of the Quilting site. Here’s the link to that: http://www.bellaonline.com/about/Quilting

So, onto my little pressies for you this week. A few from left field, but hopefully you’ll find them interesting.

http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B3Ooo0geurS4ODZjMjIyZWUtNjE0YS00ODRhLWExOGEtOTcwYmVkNjM4NGQ4&hl=en a great little tutorial for making a Moving bag, which is a bag you move with your important stuff, when swapping bags.

http://ayumills.blogspot.com/2010/01/tutorial-puffy-pouch.html an excellent tutorial on this pretty puffy money pouch.

http://www.scribd.com/doc/25679789/La-Tempete-s-Trimmed-Tea-Towels another great tutorial on trimmed tea towels

http://www.instructables.com/id/Lap-Blanket-with-Foot-Pockets/ a great Lap blanket with foot pockets!!

I must away; I do hope you’re getting some quilting done. A little each day keeps dementia away (ha!).
Cheerio till next week

Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor

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