Hello Hello, another busy week flies by and it’s that time again for me to pop in and say hello. We had our Sunshine Linus gathering on Monday and as yet I haven’t updated the blog, but please when you get time pop over and have a look at how the day went.
It truly is amazing how many wonderfully handcrafted items we receive from the crafting community and how we manage to distribute it all on one day! We had some visitors to our meeting who said to me how in awe they were of what we are achieving – I said I was too! Here’s the link to the blog: http://sunshinelinusgroup.blogspot.com.au/
I’m busy preparing for our valuation day next week, when we value quilts for quilters. It’s a terrific day, and it’s always lovely to see quilts of all sorts come through the doors. I encourage you to consider having your quilts valued – these valuations are recognised by the required insurance organisations and will stand you in good stead should something awful happen to your favourite quilt.
Sure it will not cover the time you put into making your quilt, but if you can recover just the making costs of materials – that’s got to be better than nothing!
I’m very fortunate to receive complimentary copies of quilt books to review and last week I posted my article on a publication I have reviewed titled “Simple Appeal” published by Martingale. Here’s the link for your interest: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art183358.asp
And so onto my little pressies for this week. I do hope you find something that tickles your fancy this week.
http://www.instructables.com/id/Charm-Pack-Baby-Quilt/ a very quick baby quilt made with Charm Packs
http://www.makeithandmade.com/2013/05/the-crinkle-quilt.html a terrific little tutorial for those who simply don’ have the time to be precise!
http://www.oopseydaisyblog.com/2010/07/pantry-door-organizer.html a very handy pantry door organiser
http://mimikirchner.com/blog/archives/2012/03/a-new-pincushion-for-me/ is a very quirky pin cushion don’t you agree?
http://www.flamingotoes.com/2014/02/mini-tassels-spring-patchwork-scarf/ making mini tassels
http://www.annamariahorner.com/plaidpods.by.amh.pdf not patchwork or quilting but would make a lovely pillow case
http://www.joquz.com/1997/unique-method-of-paper-cutting-and-curling at first I thought this was pasta, but look again – it’s paper! Check out the vacuum in the last picture!
http://modpodgerocksblog.com/2010/04/button-art-on-cheap.html I just love buttons
http://awesomesauceasshattery.com/2014/04/07/my-quirktastic-diy-tailors-measure-belt/ a very chic tape measure belt to make
http://www.lemonsqueezyhome.com/2010/06/bunk-bed-fort-tutorial.html a bunk bed fort should keep the little soldiers occupied
So there you have my selection for this week. I do hope this newsletter finds you well and happy. I am keeping well and busy – always a good thing.
Take care, till next time
Cheerio for now
Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor
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