Hello there how are you today? I’m suffering from a bit of a sore back today as I’ve been sewing pretty well nonstop. I’m creating two quilts for a friend of mine. Her daughter has twins and I’ve been asked to make a quilt for each baby girl. I’m having so much fun, but I have a deadline and I’m busting to get there. The quilts will be lovely when they’re finished. I really am at my happiest, in my sewing room making quilts. Short and simple. I don’t know what attracts me to the idea of making quilts, but it’s a magnet I have long learnt to give into it and just go with the flow. Even my darling knows that if I’ve sewn at some time during the day, I’m a happy camper (and as sure as night follows day – so is he!!).
We had our fortnightly meeting of our Sisters of Stitch on Wednesday and it was a fabulous gathering. Lots of the usual chatter and laughter, and a lovely camaraderie amongst like minded women. The show and tell continues to be amazing and I want to tell you about one member who bought to show us, the most wonderful quilted piece that she had had framed. It was truly, very well executed, the stitching was beautifully done. It was only her second try at quilting and she has done a fantastic job, even though she wasn’t very confident before she started. I am constantly amazed and how quilting can bring the best out in people, especially people who believe that the task is beyond them. Quilters can do ANYTHING!!!!
Last week I posted an article that helps readers to the Bellaonline Quilting site, navigate their way through my Color Theory for Quilters series. I felt that it would help to have a one touch article where you could access all the articles in that series. I haven’t finished that series yet, there are still lots more to come. Here’s the link: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art67683.asp
Had some great stuff on the forum. I recently started a “Can you help me find…..” subject for my readers to post requests for items they’re looking for. Here’s the link to that subject: http://forums.bellaonline.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/613049/Can_you_help_me_find#Post613049
Well, onto my goodies for you this week. A few eclectic pieces, but all lots of fun.
http://www.purlbee.com/little-lamb-pillows/ gorgeous little lamb pillows
http://hillscreekquilter.blogspot.com/2010/03/cant-stay-away-from-those-selvages.html more interesting selvage creations
http://www.allpeoplequilt.com/projects-ideas/bags-pillows/trim-it-tote_1.html a delightful tote with lots of trims
http://www.completecraft.com.au/projects?cid=12551&pid=4980782 a whimsical needle case
http://themagicbean.typepad.com/the_magic_bean/2010/04/fabric-baby-blocks-stuffed-with-memories.html just beautiful.
Before I say farewell, thank you so much to those lovely quilters who have taken the time to contact me with well wishes and news of what they’re doing in the quilting life. I really appreciate your comments and being in touch.
Well, dear quilters, I must away and get some beauty sleep (I really need it) and get enough rest to complete the quilts tomorrow. I do hope this newsletter arrives on your computer and leaves a smile on your face. Don’t forget to pass a smile onto an unsuspecting stranger today – you’ll feel fantastic and you never know, it might just make the strangers day too!
Cheerio for now
Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor
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