Hello again, it’s just me popping in to say Hi. We have our annual Project Linus Fair and Quilt Show this Saturday. It’s the only fundraiser for PL we have throughout the year so we have our hopes pinned on a good roll up. We have the use of our local church, so the pews will be covered with beautiful quilts for all to see. We also have a stall with lots of handmade goodies available for people to purchase. It does take an awful lot of organisation to put such a day together, but it is necessary, as the cost of batting and other quilt fabrics can be quite high for the charity quilter.
We rely solely on donated fabrics, and luckily quilters are very generous with their stashes. Mind you, some like the opportunity to clear out their stashes, only to go to the quilt shop and buy more up to date fabrics. I have a stash you can’t jump over, and I’m proud of it. It gets used, and added to constantly. I’m not ashamed of having so much fabric. When I’m looking for a certain type of fabric, for that certain type of quilt, I’m bound to come up with something that is suitable. It’s a quilt thing, isn’t? We like to have stuff on hand! LOL
Last week I posted another tutorial in my Basic Blocks Plus series, giving you interesting blocks in measurements of 6”, 8”, 10” and 12” blocks. This week I’ve focused on the Square within a Square block. Here’s the link to see that tutorial: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art172248.asp
I’m going to continue with this series over the next 12 months. If you have a particular block you’d like me to showcase, just contact me through the email on the front page of the Quilting site.
We had another addition to our Quilt Acronyms on the forum. It’s a beauty. Here’s the link, pop over to it and have a laugh. http://forums.bellaonline.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/695578/Quilt_Acronyms_can_you_add_to_#Post695578
Well, onto my little pressies for you this week. Enjoy!
http://delilahsmomma.blogspot.com/2010/04/fabric-business-gift-card-holder.html hmmm I need one of these
http://hammerandthread.blogspot.com/2010/07/owl-stuffies-tutorial.html pretty owlie softies
http://zitzmanfam.blogspot.com/2010/09/old-macdonald-puppet-tutorial-and.html old MacDonald puppet tutorials
http://naptimecrafters.blogspot.com/2010/11/just-enough-style-matching-game-reader.html a great game from grannies to have when the littlies come to stay
http://sew4home.com/projects/table-linens/723-thanksgiving-elegance-sparkling-crown-placemats simple placemats but very chic
http://www.allpeoplequilt.com/projects-ideas/bags-pillows/scrappy-pincushion_1.html yep! another one!!
http://www.craftleftovers.com/blog/archives/6099 here’s a simple tutorial on making an ironing pad
http://katydiddys.blogspot.com/2010/12/fabric-draft-blocker.html a great draft stopper to create before it gets too drafty!!
Well, dear quilters, I must away and get on with my day. I hope this newsletter finds you busy and content and getting a little time to indulge with quilting.
Cheerio for now
Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor
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